3.1 Design Selection
In this phase of the project it was necessary to determine what type of evaluation/analysis would be used. There are a variety of Multi-Criteria Elevations (MCE) including Boolean Overlay and Weighted Linear Combination. A simple analysis using Boolean overlay would have satisfied the project objectives, however this methodology has little flexible, in that themes are classified as acceptable and not. These classified themes are then overlayed to determine the location in which all criteria are satisfied. The problem with this approach is that the selection of a location is not based on strict yes/no evaluations. If a location does not meet one criteria but meets all of the remaining criteria, it is likely that the site may still be selected in the final review of the cabin location. With this in mind Boolean Overlay was not selected as the project design.RETURN to Geography 355 Project ComponentsWeighted Linear Combination (WLC) not only allows you to retain the variability in theme suitability, i.e. Douglas Fir Vegetation allows for a better building surface than Grassland which is better than Wetland, but it also allow the user to trade off factors with each other. Take for example a location which might score low for slope, 20 percent, but has a high score for septic suitability, 700 meters from the lake, this site would still be considered since the high score for septic would compensate for the low score for slope. This methodology allows sites will high scores in most factors to be considered, even if it does meet all criteria. This flexibility is valuable for site selection, since it is always possible to work around a problem.