Methodology - Air quality factor

Air quality assessment consists of carbon monoxide, sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter ≤10µm, particulate matter ≤2.5µm, ground-level ozone and volatile organic compounds (VOC) measurements. Due to the fact that these measurements are point data, they require interpolation, a process that visualizes and / or creates surfaces based on their magnitude. This process is completed with the module of 'interpol.'

For the following images, air quality measuring stations (cyan dots) are included to illustrate the spatial reference and extent of airborne particles.

Air quality 1: Carbon monoxide

Air quality 2: Sulphur oxides

Air quality 3: Nitrogen oxides

Air quality 4: Particulate matter ≤10µm

Air quality 5: Particulate matter ≤2.5µm

Air quality 6: Ground-level ozone

Air quality 7: VOC

Now, it is ready to combine all these interpolated images into one, single image that will be useful in spatial analysis. This step is faciliated by the 'overlay' module with the 'multiply' operation ('and' operation). The following macro modeler essentially demonstrates the interpolation and overlay operations altogether.

The result of air_quality_dist.rst is as follows:

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