
To evaluate and compare plans to improve food security in the GVRD, the following steps were taken:

Phase 1: Define Present Degree of Food Security

1. Boolean images were created for each land use category using the ASSIGN module (see cartographic model).

2. Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) Area was determined for ‘density’ calculation using AREA module. There are presently 381 km 2 of land in the GVRD which are preserved within the ALR (see map below).

3. The area of land categorized as agricultural was determined using the AREA module. There are presently 442 km 2 of land in the GVRD categorized as agricultural (see map below).

Phase 2: Three possible levels of urban agriculture compared on the basis of agricultural density

1. Friction Surfaces were assessed using the ASSIGN module (view cartographic model).

2. Areas of similar degrees of friction were grouped into new areas (Levels 1, 2, and 3) using the ADD module (view cartographic model).

3. Areas which could not be considered for agricultural expansion were reclassed as constraints using the ASSIGN module (view cartographic model).

4. The area of each level of urban agriculture was assessed using the AREA module (view cartographic model).

5. Agricultural ‘density’ was determined using the OVERLAY (ratio) module and placing the agricultural areas over the population image for the GVRD (view cartographic model).