Priority Counties for Rainwater Harvesting on the Ogallala Aquifer, Texas

Because each of the four maps for governance and surface water were rendered in boolean format it was possible to combine them into one 'unsuitability' map that displayed areas less likely to need a rainwater harvesting program based on these four factors. Reclass and the Add function in Overlay were used to generate this map, which output a separate numeric value for each combination of factors. Each of the factor combinations was then assigned a value of importance between 0-255. see map
Reclass #
Combination of factors present
New Suitability Value
6 IBTs 255
2 GCDs 220
8 GCDs + IBTs 215
1 PGMAs 190
3 PGMAs + GCDs 180
10 SW 70
16 SW + IBT 65
12 SW + GCDs 40
18 SW + IBT + GCD 35
11 SW + PGMAs 20
13 SW + PGMAs + GCDs 0
Key: Interbasin Transfers (IBTs), Grounwater Conservation Districts (GCDs), Priority Groundwater Management Areas (PGMAs), Surface Water (SW).


Areas that only contain IBTs were considered most suitable for rainwater harvesting (most in need of water conservation) because the IBTs are only proposed transfers that may or may not come to fruition. In addition, IBTs affect only small areas relative to the other criteria. GCDs were also ranked as highly suitable, not because they are ineffective, but because PGMAs and SW have a far greater impact on water conservation. Areas that contained a combination of SW, PGMAs and GCDs were ranked as least suitable (suitablity value of 0) due to the high potential in these areas to conserve groundwater. Some combinations were not present, for example the combination of all four factors (SW, PGMAs, GCDs and IBTs) did not occur anywhere within the Ogallala counties. Combinations that were not present were not included in this table.



Home Introduction Data aquisition Methodology Spatial analysis Discussion/results Problems
Spatial analysis cont'd
Priority index based on governance and surface water factors













<Spatial analaysis - Spatial analysis cont'd>
Cartographic model used to obtain suitability map