Spatial Analysis

Turbine 6
The next step was the implementation of an MCE analysis.  For this analysis four constraints were used.  These were the buffers (CityBuffer, BuildingBuffer, RiverBuffer and RoadBuffer) which were created in the Methodology section of this project.  In combination with these constraints four factors were included in the MCE.  These consist of the following: slope, distance from a road, distance from the city center and the distance from the transmission line.

The slope factor was based on a Monotonically  Decreasing Sigmoidal curve.  This is based on the idea that perfectly level terrain holds the greatest value when it comes to construction and wind supply.
Slopes Factor

The road distance factor  uses a Symmetric Linear function to take into account the constraints which are also a part of the MCE analysis.  The road distance factor is based on the idea that the closed the location is to the boundary of the constraint the less cost there will be to install and service any towers.  Furthermore, the proximity to roads will also eliminate the need to construct new roads.  After all this form of energy is meant to reduce the harm done to the environment.
road Factor

This factor takes into consideration the views of the residents of Ashcroft.  This factor uses a Monotonically Increasing Sigmodal function as the suitability increase the farther away from the city center the sites are, and the less they will affect the residents.  Thus, areas which score higher in the suitability bar are farther from the city center.
City Factor

The final factor is one which plays a significant role in determining the cost of any such project.  The factor follows a Monotonically Decreasing Linear function as the cost would increase steadily over the distance.  The farther away from the grid a turbine is, the more it will cost to connect it.  Moreover, it is rare that the building of new transmission lines is easily approved by local municipal councils.
Transmission Line Factor

This is the WEIGHT comparison of the factors which were included in the MCE.
MCE Weight

The weighted ratios produce these eigenvector numbers for the analysis.  As is clearly visible, the Transmission Line distance is the greatest factor in this analysis.
Eigenvector Numbers

The final results from the MCE analysis provide a very positive response.  All areas which appear in colour are suitable locations.  Those whose colour matches colours with a higher suitability number
MCE Results

This Ortho map of the MCE results provides some sense of where in relation to Ashcroft the suitable locations would be.  The hill north of the town center has met the standards the best and is also closest to the transmission line.  Therefore, the hills surrounding Ashcroft do provide numerous locations for the installation of wind powered electric turbines.
Orthomap of MCE Results

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