Data collection

turbine3 As with most projects,  this step is the most crucial.  The first data that was acquired was the wind site surveys that were collected by BC Hydro at locations across the province.  They started collecting data in the interior of the province in 2000 and continue to do so.  The data was supplied on CD by BC Hydro in a comma delimited format that had been collected by Campbell scientific data loggers. 

Then the search began for suitable locational data to be able to analyze any of the study sites.  The first attempt was on a provincial scale which was deemed to be too large to have any practical depth to the project.  The scope of the project had to be more focused.  Then Rob Fielder suggested that he had some suitable data
for the town from a previous project of his.  As the BC Hydro data supported Ashcroft as a suitable location and the data would cover the area this site was decided to be the base model for any future analysis.  In the end the collection of the data became very easy once the scope of the project had been focused.  Now all that remained was to convert the data in to a form that can be used by IDRISI.

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