| Home | Study Design | Background | Data Aquisition | Methods | Spatial Analysis |
| Problems | Conclusions | References |

Problems and Limitations

The major limitations of this project have to do with my lack of knowledge in operating ArcMap correctly and data inconsistencies once the raster files in ArcMap were imported for use into IDRISI. Having to use resample on nearly all of my data was slightly frustrating and time consuming, and though my images were able to overlay, they did not always sync up correctly in map projections. The resample function also changed the classes of my data and reclassing them as correctly as I could took time and the results were inconsistent, which initially caused my boolean maps to be incredibly incorrect. I had to redo them several times until I figured out how to reclass my resampled maps correctly, in particular the neighbourhood and land use files.

I realize that doing an MCE with factors as well as constraints would have made my analysis more accurate but my constraints were so limiting I was unsure of where to include factors in my analysis. The MCE also does not include social or cultural aspects, as well as population information which would have been a useful factor to include in my MCE.

I also had trouble finding very specific economic data in each neighborhood in Vancouver, as the census was not very helpful and I had to do outside research and decide for myself what constituted a low income neighbourhood in comparison to a mid-high income neighborhood. This could lead to further inaccuracies in my final map.