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Data Aquisition

All of the data required for the multi-criteria evaluation were found on the City of Vancouver Open Catalogue. The data on the website was fairly consistent, though there were some discrepancies in pixel size among data sets.

Data Name
City Boundary ESRI Shapefile UTM 10N Vancouver Open Catalogue Define the boundaries of Vancouver, including parks and beaches
Local Area Boundary ESRI Shapefile UTM 10N Vancouver Open Catalogue Define and catagorize neighborhood boundaries within Vancouver
Park Polygons ESRI Shapefile UTM 10N Vancouver Open Catalogue Define areas of Vancouver that are parks
City Street ESRI Shapefile UTM 10N Vancouver Open Catalogue Show the street grid in Vancouver
Zoning District ESRI Shapefile UTM 10N Vancouer Open Catalogue Defines and categorizes landuse zones in Vancouver
Greenways ESRI Shapefile UTM 10N Vancouver Open Catalogue Defines greenways (streets that are used for green space and urban agriculture) in Vancouver
Green City KLM File Lat.Long. Vancouver Open Catalogue Defines points on a map that show current green city initiatives in Vancouver