Directed Studies

The intent of Faculty of Environment Directed Studies courses is to allow a student or a small group of students to pursue supervised upper division intensive study in an area of environment that is not already covered by an existing course. Directed studies courses offered through the Faculty of Environment include ENV 391 and ENV 491 offered as a variable unit course of 1 - 8 units.


Applicants must have:

  • completed 60 units
  • earned a minimum GPA of 3.00 in their two most recent terms
  • a completed FENV Directed Studies Course Proposal Form (on FENV website)
  • a Directed Study Proposal approved by the course supervisor
  • departmental advisory approval to use course units towards major
  • Faculty of Environment advisor approval
  • completed all regular courses that cover the relevant background material

For more information or to apply, see the full Faculty of Environment Directed Studies course description and proposal form.