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Women Bending the Curve on Climate Change

Moderator: Ingrid Leman Stefanovic
Date: Wednesday, 19 September, 2018; 7:00PM – 9:00PM
Location: SFU Harbour Centre Campus Vancouver, Room 1900
Cost: Free
A film by Joanna Ashworth
Join us for a public screening of the documentary Women Bending the Curve on Climate Change in Vancouver. Set in the context of the Paris climate change agreements, the new film tells the stories of climate change leaders from Canada’s West Coast working in renewable energy, city government, energy conservation, community engagement, sustainable food, finance and indigenous land stewardship. Their inspiring stories explore how climate science, meaningful action and women’s collaborative leadership intersect to bend the curve on climate change. After the screening there will be a discussion with the filmmaker Dr. Joanna Ashworth and special guests.
Dr. Joanna Ashworth
Dr. Joanna Ashworth is the director of professional programs and partnerships in the Faculty of Environment at Simon Fraser University. She is a research associate with the Centre for Sustainable Development and the Pacific Water Research Centre at SFU, a senior Dialogue Associate with the Wosk Centre for Dialogue, and a researcher with the SSHRC-funded project Participedia.net. Joana has directed and produced numerous documentaries and dramas.
Andrea Reimer, Charlene Aleck, Claudia Li, Donna Morton, Merran Smith, Meeru Dhalwala, Tarah Stafford