General Information
47.1 A Leave of Absence is intended to provide additional opportunities to enhance academic development or for personal reasons, provided that such leave does not interfere with the teaching program of the University. Leave granted under this section will normally be without salary.
47.2 The normal period of leave of absence will be up to one year. One extension of up to one year may be considered provided application is made at least four months before expiration of the original leave. After a second year of leave, a new application for leave must be initiated. Leaves of more than two years require the approval of the VicePresident, Academic.
47.3 Time spent on leave of absence will not normally alter the timetable for renewal, promotion, and tenure considerations nor impact salary adjustments except as outlined in Article 47.4.
47.4 Those on a Leave of Absence pursuant to this section of more than one year will not normally be considered for salary review during their leave, but may request a review of salary placement by the Dean upon return from the leave. Members on a leave of one year or less will be considered in the normal cycle.
Procedures for Application
47.7 Applications for leave of absence should, where possible, be made at least two semesters in advance of the start of the proposed leave using the University's Application for Leave of Absence form. The Member must complete the Application for Leave of Absence and forward it to the Chair.
47.8 Applications for leave will require approval of the Dean or equivalent upon recommendation of the applicant's Department. Where a Department does not recommend approval of a Leave of Absence, the applicant will be informed of the reasons in writing, and may appeal to the Dean in advance of a final decision. The Dean makes a decision on the Leave of Absence and completes and distributes the Application form.
47.9 Applications for Leave of Absence in excess of 24 months will require approval of the Vice-President, Academic.
Types of Unpaid Leave
Remunerative leave involves holding a salaried position with another organization or institution during the leave period.
Non-remunerative leave is where the faculty member is pursuing an activity related to his/her University work during the leave period for which he/she will not receive a salary.
Leave for personal reasons without a source of income externally or from SFU.
Benefits Options on Unpaid Leave
Remunerative Leave
- Sponsoring organization pays both the member's and the University's contribution to benefits during leave period (excluding pension)
- The member pays both his/her own and the University's contributions to benefits during the leave period (excluding pension)
- Allow benefits package to lapse during the leave period
Non-remunerative Leave
- The member and the University will continue the shared contributions to benefits for the period of the leave (excluding pension)
- Allow benefits package to lapse during the leave period
Personal Leave
- The member pays both his/her own and the University's contributions to benefits during the leave period (excluding pension)
- Allow benefits package to lapse during the leave period
Pension Contributions on Unpaid Leave
Pension contributions will cease for the period fo the leave. SFU does not make contriutions to the pension plan, nor is the member able to pay to make up the contributions.
Leave of Absence Application Form (Updated Sept 9/19)
Collective Agreement Article:
Article 47: Leaves of Absence (47.1 to 47.9)
Contact the Faculty Relations Advisor handling inquiries for your Faculty.