SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement
Recognizing that the University is committed to the pursuit of excellence in the advancement and dissemination of knowledge through teaching and research and to service to the local, national and international community, the parties to this Agreement are resolved to cooperate in promoting the attainment of these goals, abiding by the principles of academic freedom, and dedication to the performance of professional obligations and responsibilities. The parties further affirm their commitment to the principles of openness and consultation in their dealings with one another.
The purposes of this Agreement are to:
- set out the terms and conditions of employment of Members of the bargaining unit;
- promote harmonious relationships between the University and the Association and its Members by providing a mutually acceptable, orderly and expeditious means of settling differences that may arise from time to time.
Collective Agreement
Letters/Memorandums of Understanding and Interpretation Bulletins
- Memorandum of Agreement (Oct. 2024): Learning and Teaching Development Members
- Biennial Salary review 2020/2021
- Letter of Agreement 5: Faculty Leaves
- Letter of Agreement 6: Interaction of CA Article 22 - "Discipline" and GP 44 Sexual Violence and Misconduct Prevention, Education, and Support
- Salary Placement on Promotion: Consideration of Steps Awarded But Not Received
Salary Scales
- For current and old salary scales, please go here
For questions requiring more complex interpretation of the SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement, contact:
Director, Faculty Labour Relations