
Resources and calls to action against anti-Black racism and violence

June 05, 2020

As protests against anti-Black racism and violence continue around the world, many of you may be wondering how you can fight anti-Black racism in your lives, communities, and in Canada more broadly. This list of resources and calls to action are intended to be a starting point for anyone looking to begin incorporating anti-racist activism into daily life.

This list of actions and resources was compiled in part from suggestions by members of the EDI Advisory Council, SFU African Students’ Association, SFU Students of Caribbean and African Ancestry, and the Canadian Association for the Prevention of Discrimination and Harassment in Higher Education (CAPDHHE) listserv. Thanks to all of these groups for their input and insight. Additionally, because this list is meant to be a starting point, it will by no means cover all the excellent material out there regarding anti-racism. If you would like to suggest additions to this list, please email them to

Acknowledge: recognize your own anti-Black bias and internalized racism 

Before taking on anti-Black racism in the outside world, it’s important to think about the ways in which problematic ideas might be reflected in our own words and actions. Anti-Black racism is built into the systems and structures of daily life, including workplaces, social settings and society at large. Too often, it is easy to unintentionally perpetuate harmful stereotypes or hurt Black communities while participating in those systems. These resources will help you to identify and work against anti-Black biases that you may harbour without knowing it.


Read: an anti-racist reading list

Now it’s time to dig deeper. The following books can help you learn more about the history of anti-Black racism in Canada and further explore ways that you can be anti-racist in your daily life.

(P.S. If you are planning to purchase books, you can also support your community by buying from a local independent bookstore! Here is a list of B.C. bookstores that are currently offering local delivery or curbside pickup.)

Thanks to Casey Stepaniuk for her great blog post on this subject. For more books on this topic, check out the SFU Library’s list of books on anti-racism.


Take action: use your privilege and your platform

When organizing against racism as non-Black folks, it’s important to take the lead from Black organizers and community members—the goal is to amplify Black voices and perspectives, not speak over them. As Yassmin Abdel-Magied says, “Remember the privilege in the choice to learn about racism, rather than live it.” Here are some ways you can use your privilege to combat racism.


Donate: support anti-racist organizations and charities

Donating is also a great way to further the fight against anti-Black racism. Here are some registered charities and non-profit organizations doing important work in this sphere. 

  • Hogan’s Alley Society: The Hogan’s Alley Society advocates for Black Vancouverites who have endured the legacies of urban renewal and their erasure from the official historical narrative.

  • Black Lives Matter Vancouver: Black folks and allies working in solidarity with communities seeking justice from racialized violence.

  • BC Community Alliance: A community-based organization dedicated to combating the structural inequities created by anti-Black racism.

  • Black Health Alliance: Taking on the key issues that impact Black communities in Canada through health promotion, research and public policy, champion health equity, and more.

  • Black Youth Helpline: Preventing social and psychological breakdown in communities through a focus on education, health and community development.

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