Student progress is formally reported through the Academic Progress Report (APR) and the Graduate Progress Report (GPR). Students should be familiar with the program requirements as indicated in the SFU Academic Calendar for their term of admission, and use their admission term program requirements in addition to the APR and the GPR to assess their program progress.
Academic Progress Report (APR)
The Academic Progress Report (APR) is an interactive course mapping tool designed to help current graduate students understand their degree and program requirements.
As students progress through their academic program, the APR will show which program requirements have been satisfied and which are still outstanding. The APR does not replace meeting with the supervisor and/or graduate program committee. The APR does not guarantee that the degree will be awarded once all of the program requirements have become satisfied.
Students should review their APR at least once per year, and must review their APR prior to scheduling their defence. The APR is submitted to Graduate Studies following the defence, and any errors or anomalies in the APR will delay graduation processing.
The Academic Progress Report has two sections of requirements: program-specific requirements and university minimum requirements.
The minimum University requirements listed on the report are based on the Graduate General Regulations and the student's degree level (MA or PhD).
Capstone course enrollment (eg. CRIM 898, CRIM 899) will result in a “Satisifed” requirement even when the course is in progress, as the APR assumes successful completion. In order to graduate, all capstone courses must have a final grade (eg. “S”).
Graduate Progress Report (GPR)
The Graduate Progress Report (GPR) is an annual review completed by all graduate students in the MA and PhD programs. The GPR is a collaborative record of a student’s progress in the program allowing for input from the student, supervisor, and Associate Director, Graduate Programs.
The GPR provides the student and the supervisor with the opportunity to review the progress for the previous year and set goals for the upcoming year. The GPR also provides the student with a channel to raise concerns about School performance, and provides the School with valuable feedback to consider for the academic year ahead.
The School of Criminology usually runs the GPR in each summer term, starting in May or June, and it is expected that the report be fully completed within six weeks. The Graduate Program Assistant will announce the opening and closing dates of the GPR, and will provide support through the process.
Graduate Studies provides step-by-step instructions for completion of the GPR via goSFU.