CRIMINOLOGY | Sample Course Plan B (2 Term Option)

Here is an example course plan for students who elect to complete a Major in Criminology over four years using only the fall and spring term.

Be sure to see a criminology academic advisor early in your studies, ideally in your first year, to make sure you are on the right track. Continue to check-in with an advisor throughout your studies with any questions or concerns relating to your academic career.

See our Program Completion Check Sheets for a helpful checklist to ensure you've completed all the required courses for your degree.

Term 1

CRIM 101
CRIM 131
PSYC 100
POL - One (1) of 100 or 151
Breadth elective

Term 2

CRIM 103 or 104
CRIM 135
PSYC 102
SA 150
PHIL (Any 100 or 200)

Term 3

CRIM 104 or CRIM 103
CRIM 220
Breadth Elective
Elective (Consider using electives to pursue a minor)

Term 4

CRIM 230
Additional 200 CRIM course
STAT 203 (Recommended)
Breadth Elective

Students with a minimum 2.25 CGPA are eligible to enroll in upper division Criminology courses upon successful completion of 60 units and Criminology program declaration. Meet with a criminology academic advisor to apply for early program declaration or for more details on entry into the program. 

Term 5

CRIM 321
CRIM 300/400 course

Term 6

CRIM 320
CRIM 300/400 course
CRIM 300/400 course

Term 7

CRIM 330
CRIM 300/400 course
CRIM 300/400 course

Term 8

CRIM 300/400 course

Student Responsibility: It is the responsibility of each student to be aware of faculty regulations as stated in the Academic Calendar. Departmental faculty advisors and staff are available to give advice and guidance. However, the ultimate responsibility for completeness and correctness of course selection, for compliance with and completion of program and degree requirements and for observance of regulations and deadlines rests with the student.