Garth Davies

Associate Professor


Garth Davies is an Associate Professor in the School of Criminology at Simon Fraser University and is the Associate Director of the Institute on Violence, Extremism and Terrorism at Simon Fraser University. Because professor Davies has a short attention span, his current work involves research on: risk assessment for violent radicalization, the social psychology of radicalization; the statistical modeling and projection of violent right-wing extremism; misogynist terrorism; understanding conspiracy theories as extremist narratives; and the evolution of left-wing terrorism. In addition to presenting at numerous national and international fora, Davies has also presented at briefings for the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (“E” Division), the Canadian Security Intelligence Services, and Public Safety Canada, and has testified on national security issues in front of both the Canadian Parliament, as well as the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defense.


Terrorism; communities and crime; housing and crime; policing; criminological theory; statistical analyses and research methods.


  • BA, MA (SFU)
  • PhD (Rutgers)

Note for potential graduate students:

Open to accepting new students.


  • Davies, Garth & Zdjelar, Vanja. (In Press). The evolution of left-wing extremism in the West. In José Pedro Zúquete (Ed): The Palgrave Handbook of Left-wing Extremism, Volume 1 (Chapter 2). Palgrave (by invitation). 
  • Davies, G., Scrivens, R., Gaudette, T., and Frank, R. (2022). They’re Not All the Same: A Longitudinal Comparison of Violent and Non-Violent Right-Wing Extremist Identities Online. In B. Perry, J. Gruenewald, and R. Scrivens (Eds.), Right-Wing Extremism in Canada and the United States (pp 255-278). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave (Hate Studies Series) (by invitation). 
  • Zdjelar, Vanja, & Davies, Garth. (2021). Let’s not put a label on it: Right-wing terrorism in the news. Critical Studies in Terrorism. 14(3): 291-311.
  • Davies, Garth, Wu, Edith, & Frank, Richard. (2021). A Witch’s Brew of Grievances: The Potential Effects of COVID-19 on Radicalization to Violent Extremism. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (ahead-of-print).
  • Doering, Sara, Davies, Garth, & Corrado, Raymond. (2021). Reconceptualizing Ideology and Extremism: Toward an Empirically-Based Typology. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (ahead-of-print).
  • Davies, Garth, Doering, Sara, & Neudecker, Christine. (2021). The role of psychological assessment in countering violent extremism. In Corrado, R., Merari, A. & Wössner, G. (Eds.) Terrorism Risk Assessment Instruments: Contemporary Policy and Law Enforcement Challenges. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 297-323.
  • Knoechelmann, Maike, Davies, Garth, & McNair, Logan. (2021). Personality Traits-Based Terrorism Risk Assessment: Determining Reliability Using Open-Source Data. In Corrado, R., Merari, A. & Wössner, G. (Eds.) Terrorism Risk Assessment Instruments: Contemporary Policy and Law Enforcement Challenges. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 349-358.
  • Davies, Garth, Johnston, Joel, Hinton, Toby, Zdjelar, Vanja, & Dawson, Stephanie. (2021). The truth does not always speak for itself: Subject Behavior-Officer Response reporting of police use of force. Police Practice & Research, 22(3), 1241–1258.


  • 2022. CRRP Contract. Illegal Firearms Acquisition and Transaction.   $100,800.


  • CRIM 320  Quantitative Research Methods in Criminology
  • CRIM 413  Terrorism
  • CRIM 423  Advanced Issues in Terrorism
  • CRIM 433  Communities and Crime
  • CRIM 816  Terrorism