SURVEY Questions
Each survey at SFU is unique to the course because SFU has adopted a module framework for the Course Experience Surveys. A modular question framework allows various stakeholder to add questions to the form depending on the course. The four modules are: Common Core, Instructor, Discipline and Course Context.
Module Question Framework
A module framework does not have a hierarchy structure and thus represents a more relational representation of stakeholder interests.

Common Core
Questions reflect aspects of the learning experience all students should have in each course. They are selected by the Provost and appear on each survey.
Discipline Optional
These questions reflect discipline specific teaching approaches and course delivery methods (i.e., discussion, problem solving, case studies). They are selected by the course program lead (i.e., Chair, Director) in consultation with other faculty members. For more information about selecting Discipline Module Questions, click here:
Instructor Optional
Questions reflect instructor inquiry and responses are only reported to the instructor. For more information about adding questions to the Instructor module, click here:
Course Context Modules Optional
Questions which reflect university/faculty strategic initiatives, the academic plan or delivery models. Examples modules could include experiential education, Indigenizing the course, writing, wellbeing, open textbook, community engagement, blended courses, etc.