The CES program is operated by the Learning Experiences Assessment and Planning (LEAP) team and we work under the direction of the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Learning & Teaching (AVP-LT). It is SFU's central system for collecting, analyzing and disseminating students' feedback about their learning experience in each course they take. 

SETC is now called CES

Based on the recommendations of the Summer 2022 SETC Improvement Project Final Report, SFU has adopted a new course feedback system this fall. The program known as Student Experience of Teaching and Courses, or SETC, is being being replaced with the Course Experience Survey (CES) program.

Key changes to the new course feedback system include:

  • Replacing the cascading framework with a modular one. A module framework does not have a hierarchy structure and thus represents a more relational representation of stakeholder interests. There would be four modules: Common Core, Discipline, Instructor, and Course Context. The benefits of this model include flexibility and better alignment with the academic organization at SFU.
  • An explicit definition of the purpose of the end-of-course student surveys. Without a tightly defined purpose, the survey lacks cohension, purpose and as such, demonstrating instrument validity is difficult.
  • New Common Core questions crafted upon four foundations: 1) the current University-level question set 2) Teaching and Course Evaluation Project (TCEP) Working Group Report and 3) Teaching Assessment Working Group (TAWG) report titled Strategies to Value Effective Teaching and 4) the SETC Improvement Project (SIP) reports.

Note: Starting in the Fall 2022, responses from the end-of-course student surveys will be shared once again with Chairs/Directors and Deans.