Contextual Factors Impacting Responses

Certain university wide circumstances may impact the student learning experience and how it is reflected in course survey feedback. Here are recent instances whose impact on survey responses is being measured to analyze and record for the purpose of contextualizing CE survey reports.

TSSU Strike Action, Fall 2023

The Teaching Support Staff Union (TSSU) carried out various strike actions such as overtime bans and teach-ins beginning in June 2023. This lead to a full work stoppage in late September to mid-October. SFU Community members have noted that the strike affected students’ course experiences and expressed concerns about how this may be reflected in Course Experience (CE) survey responses. 

When interpreting the Fall 2023 feedback response reports, scores need to be contextualized in light of this strike. 

Our team is working on an ad-hoc report to interpret the impact of this strike on the Fall 2023 Course Experience Survey responses. This report is anticipated to be released in January.