Event promotion and communications
Every event needs to be promoted and communicated to your target audience. Below is a list of resources and information to help you do so.
SFU’s Communications & Marketing
SFU’s Communications & Marketing is a resource available on campus to support event promotion and communications. It provides news and information about the university to media, the general public and SFU internal staff, faculty and students. Communications & Marketing can be contacted for assistance in preparing media releases, SFU News publications, social media posts, event listings in the SFU Events Calendar or other communications strategies to help promote your event. Their content production team provides in-house design, video, web and photo services which can bring your event to life.
SFU communicators
The SFU communicators is a group of SFU communications staff responsible for communications on campus across all departments and faculties. If you need assistance with promoting your event, email any of the communicators from your area to help amplify your key message.
SFU branding guidelines
SFU event promotional materials and communications should adhere to the SFU brand guidelines.
Event organizers should display the SFU logo (or approved variation of the logo) in a prominent position on all event promotion and communication materials leading up to, during and after the event. This includes websites, invitations, newsletters, programs, ads, posters, pop-up banners, print and digital signage, etc. Using the SFU brand effectively will provide a strong visual identity, bringing recognition to the university.
The C&E office has event branding material available for loan including podium banners and pop-up banners. These items can be borrowed when they are not otherwise being used by C&E. Please contact C&E at open@sfu.ca to enquire.
SFU editorial style guide
The editorial style guide for university communicators describes SFU’s “house style” for delivering clear, consistent communication materials regardless of format (e.g. print, digital).
Website (AEM)
For public events, you may wish to post event information on an SFU website in a location that receives substantial exposure. Drive traffic to the website by including the link in social media ads, invitations, flyers, media releases, posters, etc.
Considerations for your event website:
- Obtain your visitors’ attention. Make the site visually appealing, concise and informative.
- Emphasize special guests, entertainment or event highlights. Add photos and keep it visually informative.
- Carefully consider how the event content will be laid out (e.g. event date, time, location, registration link, dress code, transportation, enquiries, cost, registration deadline, sponsor logos, etc.).
- Ensure the SFU and event branding are recognizable and well positioned on the website.
- Make registration easy. Create a registration button or an event countdown clock to encourage registration.
LiveWhale Calendar is for publishing your event to SFU's main calendar (and your own departmental listing), or for creating events that do not require registration.
Digital screens
Campus digital screens are available on the Burnaby campus to communicate quick, bite-sized messages to students at all campuses. If you are hosting a public event on campus, the digital screens are a great promotional tool.
Social media
Social media is everywhere, and audiences from young adults to seniors are actively using social media to stay connected with their friends, contacts and interest groups. Infusing social media into your event can help you engage with your target audience.
SFU’s corporate channels are designed to appeal to broad audiences and priority is given to events and stories that tie into Communications & Marketing's strategic initiatives and institutional priorities. SFU’s most popular social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.