


Katen Kelly

MSc Student in Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology


  • BSc in Psychology, University of Saskatchewan
  • currently completing her MSc in Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology, SFU 


Katen Kelly is Woodlands Cree with mixed ancestry. She is from Saskatchewan and belongs to the Lac La Ronge Indian Band. Katen is a Master’s student in SFU’s Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology department. She recently graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Katen is specializing in Neuroscience, and her research focuses on brain health in Indigenous groups. Her current study aims to improve access to culturally appropriate care for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. She believes that by creating a safe place for Indigenous people to share their thoughts and opinions on healthcare, we can generate positive change within our community. Katen is passionate and determined to encourage researchers, healthcare professionals, peacekeepers, and other members of the community to listen to the diverse experiences and knowledge of Indigenous peoples.

“ kikiskinowâsohtâkân – you learn by listening to people.”

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