Retrieve Paper Records

Records stored in the URC remain the property of the department of origin and can be retrieved at your request. This is not the same as records held in the Archives, which have completed a formal transfer of ownership to the Archives and so the process to access them is different.

When you need to retrieve a file or box of records from the URC, you need to:

  1. Check your departmental records in order to clearly identify the files you need to retrieve.
  2. Contact Records Management and provide complete information about the files you wish to retrieve.
  3. Ensure that the files are returned to Records Management when they are no longer needed by the department.

This service is provided to the University community free of charge.

1. Identify the files you want to retrieve

Using the file lists and URC location lists filed in your department, locate the:

  • Name, title and/or number of the file to be retrieved;
  • unique, identifying box number of the box the file is contained in;
  • URC shelf location number.

2. Contact Records Management to make your file retrieval request.

Initiate a retrieval request by contacting the Records Centre Assistant and providing the following information:

  • Name and position title of the person making the request;
  • Name of department;
  • Room and telephone number;
  •  Archival box number;
  • Records Center shelf location number;
  • File name, title and/or number.

Indicate if you will pick-up the item from the Archives and Records Management Office or if you would like it delivered. Departments may request delivery service during the Records Centre Clerk’s shift or may pick records up during office hours.

Regular file retrievals will typically be ready for pick-up or delivery within 48 hours.

The maximum number of boxes that can be retrieved in one shift is four. If you require more than four boxes at one time, you may either:

  • narrow your request to specific files rather that whole boxes;
  • have your boxes delivered over several shifts;
  • place a work order with Facilities Management to have the boxes delivered (for a fee).

You will receive a Records Centre File Charge-Out Form with the retrieved files. Keep this form with the files so that they can be returned to the correct location. This form indicates that the named person is responsible for the files and for returning them to Records Management.

3. Return files to storage

Once the requested material is no longer required, return it as soon as possible, via inter-office mail, by dropping it off at the Archives and Records Management Office or by requesting that the Records Centre Assistant collect it. Confidential material should not be returned via inter-office mail. Please return the File Charge-Out Form with the material. The Records Centre Assistant will follow up regarding outstanding files that have not been returned.

If you require assistance or have questions about the process, contact the Records Centre Assistant.