Create Transfer Packages with DART

Use DART to package your files into a standardized BagIt container ("bag").

Create a Transfer Package

To create a transfer package with DART:

  1. Open DART, select Jobs > New from the menu bar.
  2. On the Files page, drag and drop the folders and files you want to package and click the Next button.
  3. On the Packaging page, go to the BagIt Profile field and select one of the SFU Transfer Profiles you imported previously, e.g. "SFU university records transfer".
  4. In the Package Name field, enter the Transfer Number you received from the Archives.
  5. The Output Path field shows the default location where DART will create the transfer package; edit if required; click the Next button.
  6. On the Bag Metadata page, enter data in the fields presented; mandatory fields are marked by an asterisk; click the blue question mark icon beside any field for data-entry guidance (see the DART data entry guidance page for more details).
  7. Click the Show All Tags button to view / edit fields with default data; this is useful if e.g. your default contact information has changed.
    • Transfers of privately donated personal or organizational records should always click the Show All Tags button to view a Collection Notice.
  8. When data entry is complete, click the Next button.
  9. The Upload Targets page will be blank; click the Next button (this screen would include options if SFU were using DART to actually transfer the package over the network; but this feature is not currently in use).
  10. On the Review and Run page, review transfer details (you can click the Back button to make changes); click the Run Job button.
  11. DART will show a progress bar; on completion it will show a link to the file path on your computer where the package is stored as a .tar file (the default output location is the Documents folder in your Home directory).
  12. Open the link you received from SFU Archives to your Deposit Folder on SFU Vault and upload the .tar file.

Collection Notice

The contact information of SFU staff transferring university records is not considered personal information under BC's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The contact information of non-SFU private donors, however, is personal information.

If you are transferring non-SFU records, you should alway use the appropriate Transfer Profile, i.e. Personal archives transfer or Private organization transfer. Always click the Show All Tags button on the Bag Metadata screen to view the Collection Notice. Hover over the blue question icon to view the text. It reads as follows:

Personal archives:

This app collects personal information on behalf of SFU under the authority of the University Act (RSBC 1996, c.468) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c.165). The personal information collected includes your name, telephone number, and email address. The information is related directly to and needed by the University to verify users' authority to transfer records to the Archives and to follow up with questions about the contents of the transfer and its suitability for long-term archival preservation. As a user of an SFU Archives service, you may also be contacted in the future to participate in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the service. The information will be used by SFU Archives staff. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact the University Archivist and Coordinator of Information and Privacy, Paul Hebbard,, 778-782-2313.

Private (non-SFU) organization records:

This app collects personal information on behalf of SFU under the authority of the University Act (RSBC 1996, c.468) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c.165). The personal information collected includes your name, position title, telephone number, and email address. The information is related directly to and needed by the University to verify users' authority to transfer records to the Archives and to follow up with questions about the contents of the transfer and its suitability for long-term archival preservation. As a user of an SFU Archives service, you may also be contacted in the future to participate in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the service. The information will be used by SFU Archives staff; it may be disclosed to other members of your parent organization in the context of questions about the circumstances of the transfer in the event that these later arise. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact the University Archivist and Coordinator of Information and Privacy, Paul Hebbard,, 778-782-2313.

Last updated: June 7, 2024