Canadian Student Loan Records - Case Files


Student Services and Records


RRSDA Number



Student Services

Financial Aid and Awards

Description, purpose and use of records

Records relating to the disbursement of undergraduate and graduate student loans through externally-administered loan programs, including Canada Student Loan Program, StudentAid BC, Part-Time Studies Assistance Programs, and other provincial loan programs of provinces outside of British Columbia. Federal and provincial funding may be delivered through integrated funding programs, depending on the student's province of residence. Records consist of the case files of all students receiving funding through a particular external loan program. Students must apply each term for loan funding.

The Financial Aid and Awards unit of Enrolment Services within Student Services confirms and monitors the eligibility of the student for a given loan program, administers the financial details of the loan, and liaises between the student and the loan program(s) to assist the student in providing the correct information to the loan authority. Financial Aid and Awards does not distribute loan money, and original records of the loan are kept with the loan originators/authority.

Student loan case files, including loans administered by Canada Student Loan programs, StudentAid BC, Part-Time Studies Assistance Programs, and other provincial loan administrators, may include, but are not limited to: loan program information; cost of attendance information; copies of the Appendix 3 and other related StudentAid BC appendices; copies of all student loan documents including the Confirmation of Enrolment, Certificate and Schedule 2’s, etc.; documentation verifying withdrawals, dismissal or voluntary leaving; appeal packages; documents relating to the transfer, split, or cancellation of the loan;  unsuccessful completion reports; requests for changes to data entered into loan orginator's database; and correspondence.

Electronic records include reports generated by external databases and stored in shared drive and email correspondence. Most of the electronic records created during the administration of a student loan are stored on external databases hosted by the loan originator.

Retention periods

Records Active Retention
Semi-Active Retention   Total retention Final disposition
B.C. loans and part-time loan case files: Loan awarded + 1 year 6 years Loan awarded + 7 years Destruction
Out of province (OOP) loan case files: Loan awarded + 1 year Nil Loan awarded + 1 year Destruction

Active = Active Retention Period, Keep in Office; Semi-Active = Semi-Active Retention period, transfer to University Records Centre; CY = Current calendar year; CFY = Current fiscal year; CS = Current semester; S/O = Superseded or obsolete; OPR = Office of Primary Responsibility; Non-OPR = All other departments


These records are created, used, retained and managed in accordance with the following authorities:

  • University Act (RSBC 1996, c. 468)
  • Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165)
  • Canada Student Loan Act (RSC 1985, c. S-23)
  • Canada Student Financial Assistance Act (SC 1994, c. C-28) 
  • StudentAid BC Policy Manual 2013/2014 Chpt 1 Sect 3
  • StudentAid BC Administration Manual 2012/2013 Program Year Sect 5
  • Senate Policy Committee on Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries (SPCSAB)
  • Canada Student Financial Assistance Act
  • Canada Student Loans Act


Retention rationale

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c. 165, s. 31) requires that personal information used to make a decision that directly affects an individual must be retained for at least one year.

StudentAid BC Administration Manual 2012/2013 requires institutions to retain a student's case file for a total of seven years from the student's start date. Part-time loans are also covered by the policies and procedures of the StudentAid BC Administration Manual. A total retention period of CY loan awarded + 7 years fulfills this requirement.

Student case files for out of province loans consist primarily of copies of documents that are used for data entry. A total retention period of CY + 1 year is sufficient to meet the administrative needs of the Financial Aid and Awards unit. 

Federal regulations regarding student loans do not proscribe records retention periods for the administering institutions.

Retention and filing guidelines

Case files are organized by the student's last name and by academic year. B.C. provincial loans, part-time loans, and out of province loans are all filed separately. Federal loan documentation, if any, is filed in the student's provincial loan case file. 

Files are closed at the end of each academic year.

related RRSDAs


RRSDA is in force

Approval Date

28 Apr 2014

Last Revised Date

28 Apr 2014