Terrain Modelling Requirements

Your submission for this practical will comprise 8 rendered images and a short (100-200 word) note, as follows:

  • i1.jpg
    In the view named "Overall", a wireframe rendering of the stepped model
  • i2.jpg
    In a view of your choosing, a demonstration of a problem arising in the stepped model
  • i3.jpg
    In the view named "Overall", a wireframe rendering of the mesh model
  • i4.jpg
    In a view of your choosing, a demonstration of a problem arising in the mesh model
  • i5.jpg
    In the view named "Overall", a wireframe rendering of the triangulated model model
  • i6.jpg
    In a view of your choosing, a demonstration of a problem arising in the triangulated model
  • i7.jpg
    In the view named "Overall", a wireframe rendering of the multiple-terrain model
  • i8.jpg
    In the view named "Overall", a renderZone rendering of the multiple-terrain model
  • m1.fmz
    A Form*Z model of your work, you should have 4 layer groups each containing your different terrain models.

In the three images (i2.jpg, i4.jpg and i6.jpg) that identify problems, annotate the image directly in Photoshop with a very short description of the problem.

The images must be 400x300 pixels in size.

In the text, describe any obstacles you encountered in learning to use the terrain modelling tool.

Upper image: Rob Woodbury & Tristan Sterk. Lower images: Benjamin Lewis