Yukon, 2019
Lots happened in two trips to four different glaciers in the St. Elias Mountains this year. Friend and colleague, Urs Fischer, joined the SFU Glaciology Group for a trip back to the mountains where he did his PhD with Garry Clarke in the 1990s. Urs joined Gwenn, PhD candidate Erik Young and visiting scholar Becca Latto to complete the ice-penetrating radar survey of Kaskawulsh Glacier we started in 2018 and for some reconnaissance work on the surface structures of Kluane Glacier (GPR and structural mapping). Urs and Gwenn teamed up with UBC Glaciology for an exploratory drilling campaign on the surging glacier the SFU Group discovered last summer. The SFU team was joined by Kluane First Nation (KFN) member Skyler van Lieshout for some more radar work on Dusty Glacier, and KFN Research Assistant Willard Ned for a day servicing instruments on the Kaskawulsh.