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2021 SFU Linguistics Student Poster Session

November 25, 2021

Plan to attend the Fall 2021 Poster Session scheduled remotely for December 2nd at 12:30pm

Graduate and undergraduate students will be presenting at this session.  We encourage everyone to attend and support the students in their on-line presentation of their work. 


Please register by December 1st through the websurvey here .  Zoom info will be emailed to you by Dec 1st 2021. Following Dec 1, please email Dr. Heather Bliss directly.  


Kira Bondi

Do you hear what I hear? A study of children’s processing of opaque rule interactions in Canadian English

Blair Chartrand

Collaboration, acknowledgements and self-location: a corpus-based study of the LD&C journal

Laurens Bosman

Greek Forced Alignment: Using the Montreal Forced Aligner for Low-Resource Languages

Martina Joe, Boey Kwan & Samantha Sundby

Repeat after me! A Study on Ejective Acquisition by Hul’q’umi’num’ Children


Xizi Deng

Visual scanning patterns of a talking face when evaluating phonetic information.

Zack Gilkison

Discourse structure and prosody of predicative nilh in Hul’q’umi’num’

Rosemary Webb

Gesturing to real and fictional spaces in Hul'q'umi'num' storytelling

Magdalena Ivok

The effect of a listener's native language on identification of non-native speakers

Tasnim Abedalqader

The linguistic netscape of Jordan: English use in the mediated discourse of advertising