Convocation, Profile
Fall 2020 Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards
Every convocation, the Department of Linguistics recognizes a small group of graduating students for their outstanding academic achievements. This fall, we would like to feature two graduate students and one undergraduate student for their hard work, perseverance, and dedication to academic excellence.
Sander Nederveen has finished his MA, and is moving on to UBC to complete his PhD in linguistics. During his time at SFU, Nederveen worked at the Experimental Syntax Lab, had a semester abroad at the University of Toronto, and attended the LSA conference at UCLA.
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Zack Gilkison completed his MA and is making a smooth transition into the PhD program in linguistics at SFU. Gilkison is fascinated by Indigenous language, and is eager to continue satifying his passion of answering the big questions about language and learning from and contributing to the Indeigenous language community in the Pacific Northwest.
Clarissa Montgomery has completed her undergraduate degree at SFU with a major in health sciences and an extended minor in linguistics, as well as a certificate in speech sciences. During her time at SFU, Montgomery contributed her newly acquired skills and expertise in the Language Learning and Development Lab. Montgomery is continuing her education with a master's degree in cognitive science in Paris at the École Normale Supérieure. Thereafter, Montgomery plans to pursue a career in speech pathology.
Clarissa Montgomery has completed her undergraduate degree at SFU with a major in lingustics, a minor in psychology, and a certiciate of speech science. Wang has begun her Masters of Science in audiology at UBC this Fall with the intention of pursuing a career in this field. Wang chose this field because it allows her to fulfill her desire to help others and foster her fascinationg with language.