Locational Analysis for Areas Suitable for Recovery Experiment in Africa
Rainbow line

Conceptual Outline 
Data Collection 
Spatial Analysis 

The purpose of the project is to find the areas with the potential for recovery experiment in Africa from deteriorated lands. With the sky rising of the population since industrial revolution, huge amount of lands are being deforested, becoming desert, unsuitable for living each year. It would be interesting and also possible to restore the deteriorated lands with the advanced technology. 

The hypothesis is that if barren lands (because of chemical contamination or other human activities) even reside in the areas with very unfavorable natural environment, with some investment, it can be restored. I am interested in what kinds of factors cause the barren and what is and how to estimate the cost to restore it. I am trying to find the areas with this kind of potential by analyzing the degree of deterioration in different criteria, and the environmental factors such as potential evapo-transporation, mean annual precipitation. Since restore vegetation is the first step in restoration, some important factors such the maximum temperature fluctuation in a day, elevation are not considered because the data is either in a different resolution or not available. It will be discussed in Discussion Section.
