Problems & Errors

                                                     Part  I 


  • Due to the poor possibilities of IDRISI to work with datatables, I had a hard time to prepare my data. I already described this problem in the section Data Preparation and Manipulation.
  • As there was no help available (IDRISI Help is not very helpful let alone the IDRISI Manual and our Tutor does not know the program) it took a lot of time and nervs to find out about sometimes only tiny things. (Getting unexpectedly stuck at those 'considered-to-be-easy' steps made a time planning for the project extremely difficult not to say almost impossible).

Error Sources:
     +  I used Data of the Census 1996 and my literature is from 1997 - thus my data and background 
         sources are relatively new. 
     +  I worked with Enumeration Areas - as I think an appropriate size for my purposes.
     +  I was able to bring my data almost exactely in the form that my literature refers to. 

     +  The literature data I used is data which was collected in the United States. It was collected for all 
         216 Mio members of the society, which provides a broad and reliable base. Although, the factors I 
         calculated refer to data of the U.S., the correlation between the socio-economic factors and drugs 
         should be generally valid - at least for a culture that is as close to the U.S. American cultrue as the 
         Canadian is (even though the Canadians keep negotiating that).

     -  I won the impression that there are errors in the Census data itself, as I detected a few values that 
        seem to be highly unlikely. For example is the unemploymentrate extremly high in some areas. There 
        are quite a few EAs with more than 90% unemployment. 


     +  I multiplied with factors, added and built averages. I did not provide arbitrary 'Reclass-Categories' or 
         Weighing Factors or boundaries. Therefore, I think the Analysis itself does not contain significant 
         error sources. 


I found that the error sources for Part I of my project are to be neglected. 
I always worked very close to my background literature when I was building data categories and calculated weighing factors, the results should be theoretically reliable. 
It is another question if theory reflects reality - and if the variables are suitable to draw a picture of drug usage. My results show: the soico-economic criteria are expressive and theory seems to correspond with the real situation in Vancouver. 

                            Part II:   Market Analysis for Dealers 

      -  The basic maps I used show police and skytrain stations. I digitized these maps - thus  they contain 
          the inaccuracy that occurs with digitizing. 

      -  As there is no literature about markets for dealers, all factors I worked with are a personal choice. 


      -  A buffer of 150m around police stations is my constraint factor. 150 m is an arbitrary value. It is 
         simply based on my feeling what distance you should keep from an police station in order to reduce 
         the probability to bumb into a police man. 

      -  The weighing factors I provided for Number of Customers (0.55), distance from police stations 
          (0.35) and proximity to skytrain stations (0.15) are arbitrary. I made the choice based on personal 
          thoughts about 'what is how important'. There is no literature base (of course not).


Another person could have chosen different factors, another buffer value and other weighing factors which would have created a different result. 
Notwithstanding, I made my choices for particular reasons, that I explaint (see Methodology). Keeping these explanations and my purposes in mind the map still possesses expressiveness. 

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 1 .  Background Research
 2 .  Data Collection, Preparation, Manipulation
 3 .  Methodology
 4 .  Spatial Analysis
 5 .  Results & Discussion 
 6.   Problems & Errors