Electronic Bulletin Board | Wallis's List |
Go to the electronic bulletin board to participate in discussion : ebb Reading Lists : Wallis’s List A Selection of Readings on Contemporary Landscape Theory / Design "An Interview with Richard Weller" in Landscape Australia, 3-1999, pp 259 – 263. At Memory’s Edge : After images of the Holocaust in Contemporary Art and Architecture, Yale University Press. The Berlage Cahiers 6 (1997) 010 Publishers, Amsterdam/Rotterdam. Berrizbeitia, Anita & Pollak, Linda (1999) Inside/Outside: Between Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Rockport Pub, Mass. Birksted, J.ed. (1999) Relating Architecture to Landscape, E&FN Spon, New York. Blerck, Henk van. (1999) Landscape : 9 + 1 young Dutch landscape architects, essays by Henk van Blerck and Jorg Dettmar, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam. Bru, E. (1997) Nuevos territorios, nuevos paisajes = New territories, new landscapes, ACTAR, Barcelona. Corner, J. ed. (1999) Recovering Landscape: Essays in Contemporary Landscape Architecture, Princeton Architectural Press, New York. Cantor, Steven L.(1997) Innovative Design Solutions in LandscapeArrchitecture, New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold. Designed Landscape Forum (1998) Washington, DC : Spacemaker Press. Edquist, Harriet, ed. The Culture of Landscape Architecture, (1994), Australia. Edge Publishing. Hoeksche Waard New Landscape Frontier (2000), Thoth Publishers, Air Foundation, Rotterdam. Jacques, M. ed. (1996) Yves Brunier, Landscape Architect = paysagiste, Basel, Bordeaux. Kastner, Jeffrey, (1998) Land and Environmental Art: themes and movements, Phaidon. Lancaster, Michael (1994) The New European Landscape, Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth Architecture. Landscape Transformed (1996) [major contributions from James Corner and the landscape architect Peter Latz ; introduced by Michael Spens]. London: Academy Editions. Lassus, Bernard. (1998) The Landscape Approach; introductions by Peter Jacobs and Robert B. Riley ; afterword by Stephen Bann., Philadelphia, Pa. : University of Pennsylvania Press. Meyer, Elizabeth K. (1991)‘The Public Park as Avante-Garde (Landscape) Architecture’ in Landscape Journal, Spring, pp. 16-26 Olin, Laurie (1988) "Form, Meaning and Expression in Landscape Design" in Landscape Journal, 7:2 (Fall 1988) 149-168. The Once and Future Park (1993): essays by Herbert Muschamp [et al.] 1st ed. New York, N.Y. : Princeton Architectural Press. Potteiger, Matthew.(1998) Landscape Narratives : design practices for telling stories, New York : J. Wiley. Simo, Melanie Louise,(1999)One Hundred years of Landscape Architecture, New York : London: Hearst ; Hi Marketing. Schwartz, Martha.(1997) Transfiguration of the Commonplace; essay by Elizabeth K. Meyer ; interview with Martha Schwartz ; edited by Heidi Landecker ; Vance.Washington, D.C. : Spacemaker Press. Tiberghien, Gilles A., (1995) Land Art, New York : Princeton Architectural Press. Trieb, Marc (1995) ‘Must Landscape Mean? Approaches to Significance in recent Landscape Architecture?’in Landscape Journal, Vol. 14, No. 1 pp. 47-62. Treib. Marc, ed. Modern Landscape Architecture : a critical review,(1993) Cambridge, Mass : MIT Press. Walker, Peter and Leah Levy. Peter Walker: minimalist gardens (1997), Washington, D.C. : Spacemaker Press. Wasserman, Judith R. (1998) "To Trace the Shifting Sands: Community, Ritual and the Memorial Landscape’ Landscape Journal , vol 17, no1, pp. 42-61. Weilacher, Udo. (1996) Between Landscape Architecture and Land Art ; with forewords by John Dixon Hunt and Stephen Bann ; Basel ; Boston : Birkhauser. West 8, (2000) Skiva Architecture library, Italy. Weiss, A. (1998) Unnatural Horizons: Paradox and Contradiction in Landscape Architecture Princeton Architectural Press, New York. Wrede, Stuart and William Howard , eds. (1991) Adams Denatured Visions: Landscape and Culture in the Twentieth Century, New York : Museum of Modern Art. Young, James E.(2000) ‘Memory, Countermemory, and the End of the Monument’, in Room 4.1.3 http://www.room413.com.au/413Introduction/Introduction.html Journals - Topos, Landscape Journal, Pages Paysages series, Daidalos, Lotus Re. The City / Urban Design Andreotti, L. and Costa, X. eds (1996) Theory of the Derive and other situationist writings on the city Museum of Contemporary Art (ACTAR dist.), Barcelona. Burgin, V. (1996) Some Cities by Victor Burgin, University of California Press, Berkeley. Chase, J. ed. (1999) Everyday Urbanism: Featuring John Chase ,Monacelli Press, New York. Ellin, Nan, (1996) Postmodern Urbanism, Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell. Holston, James (1989) The Modernist City : an anthropological critique of Brasilia , Chicago : University of Chicago Press. Ferber, Sarah., Healy, Chris., & McAuliffe, Chris. (eds) (1994), Beasts of Suburbia : Reinterpreting Cultures in Australian Suburbs, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press. Gibson, K & Watson, S (eds) 1994, Metropolis Now : Planning and the Urban in Contemporary Australia, Leichardt, NSW : Pluto Press. Ghent Urban Studies Team (GUST) (1999) The Urban Condition : space, community, and self in the contemporary metropoli,s 010 Publishers, Rotterdam. Rowe, Colin (1984) Collage City, Basel : Birkhauser Verlag. Sadler, Simon (1998) The Situationist City, MIT Press, Cambridge Mass. Sandercock, Leonie, (1997) Towards Cosmopolis : planning for multicultural cities; images by Peter Lysiottis. New York : John Wiley. Re. Space / Place / Culture Bekmann, J. ed. The Virtual Dimension: Architecture, Representation, and Crash Culture, Princeton Architectural Press, New York Burgin, V. (1996) In/Different Spaces: Place and Memory in Visual Culture, University of California Press, Berkeley. Crang, M. ed. (2000) Thinking Space (Critical Geographies, Routledge, London/New York. Dovey, Kim (1999) Framing Places : Mediating power in the built form, Routledge, London. Hayden, Dolores (1995) The Power of Place : Urban Landscapes as Public History, MIT press, Mass. Hillis Miller, J. (1995) Topographies, Stanford University Press, Stanford. Jenks, C. (1995) Visual culture, Routledge, London/New York King, Ross (1996) Emancipating Space : geography, architecture, and urban design, Guilford Press, New York. Lippard, Lucy. R (1997) The Lure of the Local: Sense of Place in a Multicultural Society, The New Press, New York. Madanipour, Ali (1996) Design of Urban Space: an inquiry into a socio-spatial process, Wiley, Chichester, New York Pellow, D. ed (1996) Setting boundaries : the anthropology of spatial and social Organization, Bergin & Garvey, Westport, Conn. Salter, Christopher L. (1971) The Cultural Landscape, Belmont, Calif : Duxbury Press. Tuan, Yi-fu, (1974) Topophilia: a study of environmental perception, attitudes, and values, Englewood Cliffs, N.J : Prentice-Hall. Re. Representation Allen, S. (1999) Points + Lines: Diagrams and Projects for the City, Princeton Architectural Press, New York. Bekmann, J. ed. The Virtual Dimension: Architecture, Representation, and Crash Culture Princeton Architectural Press, New York. Corner, James. (1996) Taking Measures across the American Landscape, essays, drawings, and captions ; Alex MacLean, photographs ; foreword by Michael Van Valkenburgh. New Haven : Yale University Press. ——————(1990) "A Discourse on Theory I : ‘ Sounding the Depths’ – Origins, Theory and Representation." Landscape Journal 9,2 60-78. —————(1991) "A Discourse on Theory II: Three Tyrannies of Contemporary Theory and the Alternative of Hermeneutics." Landscape Journal 10, 2 : 115-133 —————(1993)"Projection and disclosure in drawing." Landscape Architecture. 83,5 (May 1993) : 64-75 —————(1992) "Representation and Landscape: Drawing and Making in the Landscape Medium." Word and Image 8,3 (Jul-Sept 1992): 243-275 —————(1998)"Operational Eidetics." Harvard Design Magazine, (Fall 1998): 22-26. MacEachren, Alan M (1995) How Maps Work : representation, visualization, and design Guilford Press, New York. Monmonier, Mark S. (1996) How to Lie with Maps. 2nd ed. Chicago : University of Chicago Press. Tufte, Edward R (1997) Visual Explanations : images and quantities, evidence and narrative, Graphics Press, Cheshire, Conn.
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