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Go to the electronic bulletin board to participate in discussion : ebb Reading Lists : Fung’s List A Selection of Late 20th Century Readings on Architecture and Landscape Theory No list is ever complete. What is offered here is an assortment of items gathered over a number of years for a variety of purposes. The List gives some idea of the range of materials that students may draw on in their work during the semester, but some obvious works by key scholars such as Kolb, Harvey, Tafuri, Rykwert and Pérez-Gómez have been omitted. Each student is expected to exercise a choice—to read or not to read—and to cultivate their sense of relevance by making choices for the best development of their work in accordance with their needs and interests and in consultation with the teaching staff. Abrioux, Yves. Ian Hamilton Finlay: A Visual Primer (Edinburgh: Reaktion Books, 1985). [Held by State Library of SA] Ackerman, James S. "The History of Design and the Design of History." Via, no.4(1980): 12-18. Agacinski, Sylviane. "Shares of Invention." D: Columbia Documents of Architecture and Theory 1(1992): 53-69. — "Space and the Work." Journal of Philosophy and the Visual Arts 1(1990): 16-21. Agambin, Giorgio. The Coming Community, trans. Michael Hardt. Theory Out of Bounds, vol. 1. Minneapolis & London: University of Minnesota Press, 1993. — Infancy and History: Essays on the Destruction of Experience, trans. Liz Heron. London: Verso, 1993. Agrest, Diana. Architecture from Without. Camb., Mass.: MIT Press, 1991. Agrest, Diana & Mario Gandelsonas. "Architecture as a Cultural Practice." A & U, no.3(114) (Mar. 1980): 31-110. — "On Practice." International Architect 1,1(1979): 50-51. — "Semiotics and Architecture: Ideological Consumption or Theoretical Work." Oppositions, no.1(Sep. 1973): 93-100. — "Semiotics and the Limits of Architecture." A & U 6,7 (67) (July 1976): 57-70. Allen, Stan. "On Projection." Harvard Architectural Review 9(1993): 122-137. Anceshi, Giovanni. "Prosthetic Thought." Ottagono, no.105 (December 1992): 14-16. Anderson, Mark. "The Ornaments of Writing: Kafka, Loos and the Jugendstil." New German Critique, no.43(Winter 1988): 125-145. Anderson, Stanford. "The Fiction of Function." Assemblage 2(February 1987): 19-31. Angélil, Marc. "The Construction of a Meta-Physical Structure: Truth and Utility in Nineteenth-Century Architecture." Modulus 22(1993): 26-39. — "Technique and the Metaphysics of Science: The Rational-Irrational Element of Science-Technology within the Making of Architecture." Harvard Architecture Review 7(1989): 62-75. Angélil, Marc, ed. On Architecture, the City, and Technology. Washington, D.C.: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture; Stoneham, MA.: Butterworth Architecture, 1991. Apel, Friedmar. "Architecture as a Collective Dream: On Walter Benjamin’s ‘Passagen.’" Daidalos, no.10(15 Dec. 1983): 66-69. Apter, Emily. "Cabinet Secrets: Fetishism, Prostitution, and the Fin de Siècle Interior." Assemblage 9(June 1989): 7-19. Baier, Franz Xaver. "Architecture as Pornography: Reflections on an Architecture of the ‘Inside.’" Daidalos, no.36(15 June 1990): 42-51. Barnes, Trevor J. & James S. Duncan, eds. Writing Worlds: Discourse, Text, and Metaphor in the Representation of Landscape. London: Routledge, 1992. Baudrillard, Jean. "Design and Environment." In For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign, trans. Charles Levin, 185-203. N.p.: Telos Press, 1981. Benjamin, Andrew. "Derrida, Architecture and Philosophy." Architectural Design 58,3/4(1988): 8-11. — "Eisenman and the Housing of Tradition." Oxford Art Journal 12,1(1989): 47-54. — "Time, Question, Fold." AA Files, no.26(Autumn 1993): 7-10. Bennington, Geoff. "After the Event." D: Columbia Documents of Architecture and Theory 1(1992): 147-159. — "Complexity without Contradiction in Architecture." AA Files, no.15(Summer 1987): 15-18. Berman, Marshall. All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity. New York: Penguin, 1988. Berque, Augustin. Mediance: de milieux en paysages. Montpellier: Reclus, 1990. — Les raisons du paysage : de la Chine antique aux environnements de synthese. [Paris]: Hazan, 1995. — Le sauvage et l’artifice: les Japonais devant la nature. Bibliotheque des sciences humaines. [Paris]: Gallimard, 1986. Bloomer, Jennifer. "A lay a stone a patch a post a pen the ruddyrun: Minor Architectural Possibilities." In Strategies in Architectural Thinking, ed. John Whiteman, Jeffrey Kipnis, Richard Burdett, 48-67. Cambridge & London: MIT Press, 1992. — Architecture and the Text: The (S)crypts of Joyce and Piranesi. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1993. — "In the Musey Room." Assemblage 5(1988): 58-65. — "Supplementing the Sites of Practice." RIBA Journal 99,11(Nov. 1992): 26-32. — "Vertex and Vortex: A Tectonics in/of Section." Perspecta 23(1987): 38-53. Bois, Yve-Alain. "A Picturesque Stroll around Clara-Clara." October 29(Summer 1984): 32-62. — "Mondrian and the Theory of Architecture." Assemblage 4(Oct. 1987): 102-130. Carl, Peter. "Architecture and Time: A Prolegomena." AA Files, no.22(Autumn 1991): 48-65. — "Natura Morta." Modulus 20(1991): 26-71. — "Ornament and Time: A Prolegomena." AA Files, no.23(Summer 1992): 49-64. Casalis, M. "The Semiotics Of The Visible In Japanese Rock Gardens." Semiotica 44,3-4(1983): 410.5 S471 Casey, Edward. Getting Back Into Place: Toward a Renewed Understanding of the Place-World. Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1993. —"Place, Form, and Identity in Post-modern Architecture and Philosophy: Derrida avec Moore, Mies avec Kant." In After the Future: Postmodern Times and Places, edited by Gary Shapiro, 199-230. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1990. Certeau, Michel de. "Practices of Space." In On Signs, edited by M. Blonsky,122-145. Oxford: Blackwell, 1985. Chou, Shiuh-lin D. "Modernism in Architecture: A Descriptive Theory of its Formal/Aesthetic Basis." Ph.D. thesis, University of Cambridge, 1990. Ciucci, Giorgio. "Invention of the Modern Movement." Oppositions, no.24(Spring 1981): 68-91. — "Italian Architecture during the Fascist Period: The Many Souls of the Classical." Harvard Architecture Review 6(1987): 76-87. — "Replanning the Histories." Casabella 48(1984): 109-111. Colomina, Beatriz. "Domesticity at War." Ottagono 97(December 1990): 24-47. — "Le Corbusier and Photography." Assemblage 4(Oct. 1987): 6-23. — "L’Esprit Nouveau and Publicité," In Architecture Production, edited by Beatriz Colomina, 56-99. N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press, 1988. — "Modernism versus Mass Culture: The (American) Production of Le Corbusier." Ottagono 92(Sept. 1989): 51-70. — "On Adolf Loos and Josef Hoffman: Architecture in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction." In Raumplan versus Plan Libre: Adolf Loos and Le Corbusier 1919-1930, edited by Max Risselada, 65-77. N.Y.: Rizzoli, 1988. — "On Architecture, Production and Reproduction." In Architecture Production, edited by Beatriz Colo-mina, 6-23. N.Y.: Princeton Architectural Press, 1988. — Privacy and Publicity: Modern Architecture as Mass Media. Camb., Mass.: MIT Press, 1994. Colquhoun, Alan. Essays in Architectural Criticism: Modern Architecture &Historical Change. Camb., Mass.: MIT Press, 1985. — Modernity and the Classical Tradition: Architectural Essays, 1980-1987. Camb., Mass.: MIT Press, 1989. — "Postmodernism and Structuralism: A Retrospective Glance." Assemblage 5(Feb. 1988): 6-15. Corner, James. "A Discourse on Theory I: ‘Sounding the Depths’—Origins, Theory, and Representation." Landscape Journal 9,2(1990): 60-78. —"A Discourse on Theory II: Three Tyrannies of Contemporary Theory and the Alternative of Hermeneutics." Landscape Journal 10,2(Fall 1991): 115-133. —"Projection and Disclosure in Drawing." Landscape Architecture.83,5(May 1993): 64-75. —"Representation and Landscape: Drawing and Making in the Landscape Medium." Word and Image 8,3(Jul.-Sep. 1992): 243-275. Crary, Jonathan. Techniques of the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century. Camb., Mass.: MIT Press, 1990. Dal Co, Francesco. Figures of Architecture and Thought: German Architectural Culture 1880-1920. New York: Rizzoli, 1990. — "In Consideration of Time." In Anyone, ed. Cynthia Davidson, 112-119. New York: Rizzoli, 1991. — "On History and Architecture: An Interview with Francesco Dal Co." Perspecta 23(1987): 6-23. Davis, Mike. "Chinatown, Part Two? The ‘Internationalization’ of Downtown Los Angeles." New Left Review, no.164(1987): 65-86. — City of Quartz: Excavating the Future of Los Angeles. London: Verso, 1990. — "Urban Renaissance and the Spirit of Postmodernism." New Left Review, no.151(1985): 106-113. Davis, Tim. "Photography and Landscape Studies." Landscape Journal 8,1(Spring 1989): 1-12. Debord, Guy. The Society of the Spectacle. N.p.: Rebel Press, Aim Publications, 1987. Denari, Neil. "Four Statements on Architecture." A+U, no.246(March 1991): 12-42. — Gyroscopic Horizons: Prototypic Buildings and Other Works. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1994. Dercon, Chris. "Speed-Space: An Interview with Paul Virilio." Impulse 12,4(Summer 1986): 35-39. Derrida, Jacques. "Faxitexture." In Anywhere, ed. Cynthia Davidson, 18-33. New York: Rizzoli, 1993. Deutsche, Rosalyn. "Architecture of the Evicted." Strategies (Los Angeles), no.3(1990): 159-183. — "Men in Space." Strategies (Los Angeles), no.3 (1990): 130-137. Eisenman, Peter. Giuseppe Terragni: Transformations, Decompositions, Critiques. New York: Rizzoli, 1993. — Houses of Cards. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. — House X. N.Y.: Rizzoli, 1982. — "miMISes READING: does not mean A THING." In Mies Reconsidered: His Career, Legacy, and Disciples, edited by John Zukowsky, 54-71. Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago and Rizzoli, 1986. — "Post-Functionalism." Oppositions, no.6(Fall 1976): i-iii. — Re-working Eisenman. London: Academy Editions, 1993. Eslami, Manouchehr. "The Question of ‘Architectural Object’ in Modern Architecture: Le Corbusier’s Cartesian Theory and Practice of his Purist Period." Via, no.9(1988): 139-151. Evans, Robin. "Mies van der Rohe’s Paradoxical Symmetries." AA Files, no.19(Spring 1990): 56-68. — The Projective Cast: Architecture and Its Three Geometries. Camb., Mass.: MIT Press, 1995. —"Translations from Drawing to Building." AA Files, no.12(Summer 1986): 3-17. [Also published in Casabella 50,530(December 1986): 44-55.] Fardjadi, Homa & Mohsen Mostafavi. Delayed Space. Camb., Mass.: Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, 1994. Fausch, Deborah, et al, eds. Architecture: In Fashion. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1994. Fisher, Philip. "The Future’s Past." New Literary History 6,3(Spring 1975): 587-606. Foster, Hal. "Architecture, Development, Memory." In Thinking the Present, edited by Michael Hays & Carol Burns, 110-122. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1990. — "Neo-Futurism: Architecture and Technology." AA Files, no.14(Spring 1987): 25-27. — "(Post) Modern Polemics." Perspecta 21(1984): 144-153. — Recodings: Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics. Port Townsend: Bay Press, 1985. Foster, Kurt W. "Monument/Memory and the Mortality of Architecture." Oppositions, no.25(Fall 1982): 2-19. Foucault, Michel. "Of Other Spaces." Diacritics 16,1(Spring 1986): 22-28. — "The Eye of Power." In Power/Knowledge:Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-1977, edited by Colin Gordon, 146-165. New York: Pantheon, 1980. Frascari, Marco. "A New Angel/Angle in Architectural Research:The Ideas of Demonstration." Journal of Architectural Education 44,1(November 1990): 11-19. — "The Body and Architecture in the Drawings of Carlo Scarpa." Res (Camb., Mass.), no.14(Autumn 1987): 123-142. — "The Compass and the Crafty Art of Architecture." Modulus 22(1993): 2-15. —"Function and Representation in Architecture." Design Methods & Theories 19,1(1985): 200-216. — "The Lume materiale in the Architecture of Venice." Perspecta, no.24(1988): 136-145. — "Maidens ‘Theory’ and ‘Practice’ at the Sides of Lady Architecture." Assemblage 7(Oct. 1988): 14-27. — Monsters of Architecture: Anthropomorphism in Architectural Theory. Savage, MD.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1991. — "The Particolareggiamento in the Narration of Architecture." Journal of Architectural Education 43,1(Fall 1989): 3-12. — "Professional Use of Signs in Architecture." Journal of Architectural Education 36,2(1982): 16-23. — "Taste in Architecture." Journal of Architectural Education — "The Tell-The-Tale Detail." Via, no.7(1984): 22-37.[Also published in Semiotics 1981, edited by J.N. Deely & M.D. Lenhart. New York: Plenum Press, 1983.] — "Thaumaturgic Architecture." Intersight 2(1993): 33-45. — "Tolerance or Play: Conventional Criticism or Critical Conventionalism in Light of the Italian Retreat from the Modern Movement." Midgard 1(1987): 7-10. Frow, John. "Tourism and the Semiotics of Nostalgia." October 57(Summer 1991): 121-151. Fry, Tony. "A Geography of Power: Design History and Marginality." Design Issues 6,1(Fall 1989): 15-30. — Design History Australia: A Source Text in Methods and Resources. Sydney: Hale & Iremonger and the Power Institute of Fine Arts, 1988. — Old Worlds, New Visions. Sydney: Hale & Ire-monger, 1989. Fujii, Hiromi. The Architecture of Hiromi Fujii. New York: Rizolli, 1987. —"Dispersed, Multilayered Space." Japan Architect, no.381(Jan. 1989): 6-24. Gandelsonas, Mario. "After Modern Architecture." Arquitecturas Bis (Spain), no.22(May 1978): 1-32. — "The Dialectics of the Avant Garde: Piranesi and Eisenstein." Oppositions, no.11(Winter 1977): 72-110. — "From Structure to Subject: The Formation of an Architectural Language." Oppositions, no.17 (Sum. 1979): 6-29. — "Neo-Functionalism." Oppositions, no.5(1976): — "On Reading Architecture." Progressive Architecture 53,3(March 1972): 68-88. Ghirardo, Diane. Out of Site: A Social Criticism of Architecture. Seattle: Bay Press, 1990. — "Past or Post Modern in Architectural Fashion." Telos, no.62(Winter 1984-85): 187-196. Giroux, Henry A. "Border Pedagogy and the Politics of Modernism/Postmodernism." Journal of Architectural Education 44, 2(February 1991): 69-79. Gorlin, Alexander. "The Ghost in the Machine: Surrealism in the Work of Le Corbusier." Perspecta 18(1982): 51-65. Gregory, Derek. "Chinatown, Part Three? Soja and the Missing Spaces of Social Theory." Strategies, no.3 (1990): 40-105. Guillerme, Jacques. "The Archaeology of Section." Perspecta, no.25(1989): 226-257. — "Theses on Prothesis: The Pretext of Latent Needs." Ottagono 96(September 1990): 104-113. Gusevich, Miriam. "Decoration and Decorum: Adolf Loos’s Critique of Kitsch." New German Critique, no.43(Winter 1988): 97-123. Habermas, Jurgen. "Modernity versus Postmodernity." New German Critique, no.22 (Winter 1981): 3-40. Harbison, Robert. "Architecture Seen as a Non-physical Pursuit." [review of Colomina’s Publicity and Privacy] Architects’ Journal 200,3(July 20, 1994): 45. Harries, Karsten. "Modernity’s Bad Conscience." AA Files, no.10 (1985): 53-60. — "On Truth and Lie in Architecture." Via, no.7(1984): 47-57. — "Philosophy and the Task of Architecture." Journal of Architectural Education 40,2(1987): 29-30. — "Representation and Re-Presentation in Architecture." Via, no.9 (1988): 13-25. |
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