Electronic Bulletin Board | Scriver's List |
Go to the electronic bulletin board to participate in discussion : ebb Reading Lists : Scriver’s List A Selection of Readings on the History of Modern Architecture, Design, and Design-Thinking This is a short list of some of the useful reference texts, anthologies, and key articles concerning modern architecture and its ‘historiographical’ interpretation that maybe referred to in the lectures. It is expected that you will, at the very least, make yourself familiar with the short list of titles that have been placed on reserve. Most of the books on reserve are currently in print (in several cases in new updated editions) and should also be available through bookstores, so you may also want to consider investing in those you find most useful. Titles to be Placed on Reserve in the Barr-Smith LibraryBenton, Tim, Charlotte Benton, and Dennis Sharp. Form and Function: A Source Book for the History of Architecture and Design, 1890-1939 (London: Crosby Lockwood Staples, in association with The Open University Press). [CALL NO BSL Main Collection 724.9 F723] Collins, Peter. Changing Ideals in Modern Architecture (London : Faber and Faber, 1965). [.BSL Main Collection 720.9 C712A 1.2 Copy 1] Curtis, William J.R. Modern Architecture Since 1900 (Oxford : Phaidon, 1982). [CALL NO BSL Main Collection 724.91 C981m.2] Fergusson, Russell, ed. At The End of The Century: One Hundred Years of Architecture. Organized by Richard Koshalek and Elizabeth A.T. Smith (Los Angeles : Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles & Harry N. Abrams, 1998). [CALL NO BSL Main Collection 724.6 K86a] Frampton, Kenneth. Modern Architecture, A Critical History. (London: Thames and Hudson, first published in 1980) [.BSL Main Collection 724.9 F813m.2 Copy 3} Jencks, Charles, ed. The post-modern (London and New York: Academy Editions/St Martin's Press, 1992). [CALL NO BSL Main Collection 700.9045 J51p] Nesbitt, Kate, ed. Theorizing a New Agenda for Architecture: An anthology of Architectural Theory, 1965-1995 (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1996). [CALL NO BSL Main Collection 720.1 N458t] Ockman, Joan, ed. Architecture Culture 1943-1969: A Documentary Anthology. Compiled with the collaboration of Edward Eigen (New York, Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation: Columbia books of architecture/Rizzoli, 1993). [CALL NO BSL Main Collection 724.6 O16a] Kruft, Hanno-Walter. A History of Architectural Theory from Vitruvius to the Present (New York: Princeton Architectural Press/Zwemmer). [CALL NO BSL Main Collection 720.1 K94g] Tournikiotis, Panayotis, The Historiography of Modern Architecture (Cambridge, Mass. and London: MIT Press, 1999). [CALL NO BSL Main Collection 720.722 T728h] Other key books and articles Banham, Reyner. Theory and Design in the First Machine Age (London: The Architectural Press, 1960), Benevolo, Leonardo. History of Modern Architecture, 2 vols. (Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press, 1977, first published in Italian in 1960). Bhatt, Vikram and Peter Scriver. After the masters: contemporary Indian architecture (Ahmedabad and New York: Mapin Pub, 1990) CALL NO BSL Main Collection 720.954 B575a Peters, Tom F., Building the Nineteenth Century (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1996). Blau, Judith R. Architects and firms: a sociological perspective on architectural practice (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1984). Boyd, Robin. The Australian Ugliness (Melbourne: Cheshire, 1960). CALL NO BSL Main Collection 720.994 B789a Bucci, Frederico. Albert Kahn: Architect of Ford. (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1993.) Cuff, Dana. Architecture: The Story of Practice (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1995). Elliot, Cecil D. Technics and Architecture: The Development of Materials and Systems for Buildings (Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press, 1992). Fletcher, Banister, Sir. A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method, for students, craftsmen and amateurs, 13th edition (London, 1946) Giedion, Sigfried. Space, Time and Architecture: The growth of a new tradition. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1941). Hobsbawm, Eric. Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century, 1914-1991 (London: Abacus, 1995). See in particular, chapter 6: "The Arts, 1914-1945", 178-198. Irving, Robert Grant. Indian Summer: Lutyens, Baker, and Imperial Delhi. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1981). Jacobs, Jane. The death and life of great American cities (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961). CALL NO BSL Main Collection 711 J17 Jencks, Charles and Karl Kropf. Theories and Manifestoes of Contemporary Architecture (London: Academy Editions/Wiley, 1997). Kostof, Spiro. A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals. Second edition with revisions by Greg Castillo (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), chapter 27, 695-719. Lane, Barbara M.. Architecture and Politics in Germany, 1918-1945 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968). Lefaivre, Liane and Alexander Tzonis. "The Mechanization of Architecture and the Birth of Functionalism", Via 7 (1984): 121-144. Lynch, Kevin. The image of the city (Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1960). CALL NO BSL Main Collection 711.40973 L987i Metcalf, T.R. An Imperial Vision: Indian Architecture and Britain's Raj. (London: Faber, 1989). Newton, Barry. "The Tree of Architecture: Banister Fletcher and the Orders of Precedent." In Garth Rockcastle, ed. Type and the (Im)Possibilities of Convention, Midgard Monographs of Architectural Theory and Criticism, No. 2 (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1991) Neuhart, John, Marilyn Neuhart, and Ray Eames. Eames design: The work of the Office of Charles and Ray Eames (New York: H.N. Abrams, 1989). CALL NO BSL Main Collection 745.44922 E12.N Ockman, Joan. "Toward a Theory of Normative Architecture." In Steven Harris and Deborah Berke, eds. Architecture of the Everyday (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1997), 123-152. Scully, Vincent Joseph. American architecture and urbanism (New York : Praeger, 1969) CALL NO BSL Main Collection 720.973 S437 White, Stephen. Building in the Garden: The architecture of Joseph Allen Stein in India and California (Delhi, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1993). Tarkhanov, A. and S. Kavtaradze. Architecture of the Stalin Era (New York: Rizzoli, 1992). Tombesi, Paolo. "The Carriage in the Needle: Building Design and Flexible Specialization Systems," Journal of Architectural Education 52/3 (February 1999): 134-142. Walker, Paul. "Vagrancy: Asia and the Pacific in Sir Banister Fletcher’s A History of Architecture". In S. Cairns and P. Goad, eds. Building, Dwelling, Drifting: Migrancy and the Limits of Architecture, papers from the 3rd ‘Other Connections Conference’. The Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, The University of Melbourne June 1997 (Melbourne, 1997), 356-362. Wingler, Hans. Bauhaus (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1969). Wright, Gwendolyn. The Politics of Design in French Colonial Urbanism. (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1991). |
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