UI & Goal

To better help understand our users, we created design personas, scenarios and user journey maps. These artifacts condense the raw data we gathered through our research into a tangible summary.


We drafted these personas in order to better understand different user service types which use our service product. It also helped us to understand users needs, experiences, behaviour and goals. Based on our research we drafted personas for persons who are either a single parent else both the parents are busy with their worklife. Both of them make decent amounts of money which would allow them to afford these services while pursuing their career. Moreover we also found their pain points of them wasting a lot of time on using different individual services to handle tasks. Personas helped us to make the design tasks less complex while making us achieve the goal of a good user experience for our target user groups.


A typical scenario would be where a single father who is self employed has to stay home for work. He intends to spend most of his time with his child after work is done rather than going grocery shopping or any of the petty jobs. While he is working he could hire a nanny to look after his child and also assist him in buying groceries. Another scenario is where both the couples are ambitious about their work and would like some assistance with their growing child while they are at work. Moreover they need someone who can take care of the household chores as well as their baby. In order to do that they could employ our nanny services.

User Journey

User journey mapping helped us visualize how a user would interact with a product even before we created a prototype version of it. Moreover it allowed us to see the product from the users perspective to reach the goal.events.