Selected Design Case Studies

Family Connections

Working with young kids, I designed for family connections that cross generations

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Tablet wireframe showing a simple, colourful drawing of a tree and a house. Above and behind the drawing are three partially hidden buttons. Below the drawing are a pile of building blocks (one with a heart and one with a smiley), a line drawing of a waving kid, and a line drawing of a smiling older person with a wavy tunnel connecting the two people.
Website wireframe showing a river chart visualization that grows and shrinks across the page. The river is vertically striped orange and blue in stripes of varying widths. Above or below each stripe is a small photograph showing various stock photographs.

Album River

Making digital pictures social again through user observation and InfoVis

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Digital Dance Card

Using a digital Jane Austen metaphor to build social connections in hybrid teams

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A circular wireframe resembling two simplifed fans back to back. Each leaf of the left fan has 6 avatars, with some pairs overlapping. Some leaves of the right fan have a single avatar and a red line coming out from the middle of the circle crosses the send leaf.
A phone screen showing an illustration of an orange spaceship with fire shooting out of the rockets. Through the porthole, two orange astronauts are visible. On the outside of the spaceship are two orange buttons: Record and Stop.

Astro Recorder

Iteratively developing in the field audio recording for children’s design workshops

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