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Winter Warriors Vancouver

Prepare For Extreme Cold

cold weather is coming

As always, safety is our priority. Please ensure you are wearing necessary personal protective equipment, try to use a buddy system, and if you come across any hazardous areas, stay clear and be safe. Please do not put yourself in harm’s way


Make sure to prepare for the extreme cold by supplying yourself with Such Items

Learn More About Equipment>

Getting these common peices of equipment can protect you and your familiy from extreme cold, and can ensure you are abel to help other if they are in crisis when extreme cold hits. Check out our list of common items you might need during extreme cold, or just the winter in general. If more than one disaster happens at once people may find themselves cut off. Preparing ensures you can maintain a quality of living. After prolonged snow lack of supplies and scarcity could be a problems. Keeping 72 hours of food and water in your house can help protect you and your family.

Common Item Checklist

  • Food
  • Water
  • Blankets
  • Jackets
  • Coffee
  • Flashlights
  • Heaters
  • Roof
  • Emergency ballgown
  • Candles
  • Crafting suplies
  • Backup batteries
  • A good attitute