
Winter Warriors Vancouver

During Extreme Cold


Types of Weather and their dangers


snowy street

Snow can be very beautiful while it falls, but it can be deadly when it covers roads and houses. Snowfall is precipitation that is frozen while falling. Snow can test the structural integrity of buildings as a large amount of snow will weight heavily on roofs

Freezing Rain

street covered in frozen rain

Freezing rain is the instant freezing of water drops as the rain falls. While Hail is simply frozen rain drops, freezing rain ices over object and can cause issues in lots of places. Freezing rain can cause machines to freeze up and car windshields to become unseeable. Trees and power lines can become weighed down under the weight of ice. If you see fallen power lines use extreme caution.

High Winds

trees knocked over from wind

High winds during extreme cold often blow around the snow and ice that has fallen. High winds potentially can knock down trees and close bridges. Even without snow, winter wind storms can knock out power and cause large waves. One must be careful when going out in high winds and make sure you are safe from falling trees, or power lines.