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Winter Warriors Vancouver



snow shovel

To shovel your sidewalk, which is a requirement for residents, you will need a snow shovel. Snow shovels aren't just useful in the house, but also in the car, incase of emergencies. If snow is falling quickly it is a good idea to shovel often so that the workload is less.


snow salt

Adding salt to sidewalks is an important set to keeping people who walk across them safe. Salt lowers the freezing point meaning that ice will not be as likely to form on salted sidewalks. It is however important not over salt as the run of into creeks and streams could have adverse affects on the environment.

Snow Tires

car in snow

The road is often one of the most changed places in a snow storm. Many drivers are not familiar with driving in the snow so it is already a dangerous experience. However not having snow tires increases your changes of sliding. Snow tires give you better grip and traction.


wool blankets

If your heating is not efficient or the power goes out blankets are important to have in your house. If you get wet and cold from the outside world, it is important to have nice warm blankets to warm you up and prevent hypothermia.

Emergency kit

emergency kit

An essential tool for all households in all situations is an emergency kit. Having two days water and food stored in your house ensure if you got snowed in and supplies were unable to get in and out of the city you would be okay. Additionally emergency kits should be stocked with first aid material, more information on emergency kits can be found at the Canadian Red Cross