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SFU Philosophy

undergraduate program


The Philosophy Department offers a minor concentration, For the a complete account of the degree requirements for minoring, majoring, and an honors degree in Philosophy, please consult the SFU Calendar. We also have an active Philosophy Student Union, which has organized a range of forums for philosophical discussion (including a karaoke night!).

Here is a general overview of our course offerings:

All 100 division courses (and PHIL 001) improve skills in critical thinking, logical analysis and clarity of expression. One hundred division courses and PHIL 001 have no prerequisites, may be taken in any order by any student in any faculty and teach some of the most important philosophical problems, perspectives and methods. All 100 division courses bear on particular problems and subjects encountered in other areas of study.
The 200 division courses are slightly more advanced with more specific subject matter. It is recommended, but not mandatory, that students wishing to enrol in a 200 division philosophy course have completed 15 credit hours of university work or equivalent. (PHIL 203 and 214 have additional prerequisites.)
For 300 and 400 division courses, students normally must have at least six credit hours of lower division philosophy before taking upper division. However, for those majoring in other departments who have a keen interest in a particular upper division course, this requirement may be waived by the department. Four hundred division courses are more advanced than 300 division courses (there is more reading, the reading is more difficult, and more writing is required). Students should take at least two 300 division courses before enrolling in a 400 division course.

The Philosophy program is also closely related to the Cognitive Science Program, as well as the Humanities Department.

Philosophy courses can also be counted towards a Certificate in Liberal Arts. There are, however, a specific set of courses which can be applied to a CLA.


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