Text Input Field

CSS Selector


Sample Code

<form><input type="text" name="Text Input Field" placeholder="Email Address"></form>

Rendered Element

Submit Button

CSS Selector

.subbutton, .subbutton:hover, .subbutton:focus

Sample Code

<a href="#" class="subbutton">SUBMIT</a>

Rendered Element




CSS Selector

.h1, .h2, .h3

Sample Code

<h1>Heading h1</h1> <h2>Heading h2</h2> <h3>Heading h3</h3>

Rendered Element


Heading h2

Heading h3


CSS Selector


Sample Code

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam at lacus non augue egestas pharetra. Pellentesque a consequat urna, ac viverra augue. Quisque nibh velit, facilisis eget ligula et, imperdiet convallis erat. Nullam sit amet mauris tincidunt, porttitor orci a, egestas nulla. Aliquam vitae congue enim, nec iaculis diam. Praesent quis consectetur arcu, at semper odio. In tristique est a nulla dictum, vitae tincidunt velit gravida. Vestibulum rhoncus fermentum mattis.</p>

Rendered Element

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam at lacus non augue egestas pharetra. Pellentesque a consequat urna, ac viverra augue. Quisque nibh velit, facilisis eget ligula et, imperdiet convallis erat. Nullam sit amet mauris tincidunt, porttitor orci a, egestas nulla. Aliquam vitae congue enim, nec iaculis diam. Praesent quis consectetur arcu, at semper odio. In tristique est a nulla dictum, vitae tincidunt velit gravida. Vestibulum rhoncus fermentum mattis.

Bullet List

CSS Selector

.ul, .li

Sample Code

<ul> <li>Lavender Candle</li> <li>Grapefruit Candle</li> <li>Daisy Candle</li> </ul>

Rendered Element



CSS Selector

header, header a, .title-top, .title-bottom, .sub-title

Sample Code

<a href="index.html" class="title-top">HI, I'M</a> <a href="index.html" class="title-bottom">NICOLE LO</a> <p class="rectangle"></p> <p class="sub-title">A UI/UX designer </p> <p class="sub-title">in Vancouver. </p>

Rendered Element


A UI/UX designer

in Vancouver.

Project Header

CSS Selector

.project-title .title-bottom,.project-title .sub-title

Sample Code

<header class="project-title" role="banner"> <h1 class="title-bottom">USER INTERFACE PROJECT</p> <h2 class="sub-title">ENROUTE : WALKING TOUR APPLICATION</p> </header>

Rendered Element


CSS Selector

.role-content, .role-content h2, .role-content h3

Sample Code

<div class="role-content"> <h2>ROLE</h2> <h3>Researcher, Interface and Expereince Design</h3> <h2>TOOLS</h2> <h3>Sketch, Adobe illustrator</h3> <h2>TEAM</h2> <h3>Moran Zhu, Kristine Li</h3> </div>

Rendered Element


Researcher, Interface and Expereince Design


Sketch, Adobe illustrator


Moran Zhu, Kristine Li

Project Image Description

CSS Selector

proj-para-style, persona-text, content-describe, .image-left, text-content

Sample Code

<div class="content-describe"> <div class="image-left"> <img src="img/spotify-persona.png" class="content-img" alt="two slanted persona images with black background "> </div> <div class="text-content"> <h2> PERSONA </h2> <p class="proj-para-style persona-text"> We interviewed with beginner and intermediate users by asking their goal and frustrations while using Spotify. In order to understand in depth on user's habits and needs, we created tasks such as create a playlist, find a particular song for user and asked them to accomplish the task with our observation. By combining the results from user interview, the common goals of users are sharing songs with friends and having more common topics with each other. Participants of research also found Spotify is lack of community sense and interactive functions. In order to increase interactions between users, we decided to implement a live concert streaming feature for Spotify. </p> </div> </div>

Rendered Element

two slanted persona images with black background


We interviewed with beginner and intermediate users by asking their goal and frustrations while using Spotify. In order to understand in depth on user's habits and needs, we created tasks such as create a playlist, find a particular song for user and asked them to accomplish the task with our observation. By combining the results from user interview, the common goals of users are sharing songs with friends and having more common topics with each other. Participants of research also found Spotify is lack of community sense and interactive functions. In order to increase interactions between users, we decided to implement a live concert streaming feature for Spotify.

Project Thumbnail

CSS Selector

.projects, .spotify-img, .spotify-hover, .spotify-img-hover, .spotify-project-title .spotify-project-title-number, .spotify-project-title-link

Sample Code

<div class="projects"> <div class="thumbnail-spotify"> <a href="spotify.html"> <img src="img/spotify-thumbnail.png" alt="two purple and white iphone with spotify interfaces on a purple square" class="spotify-img"> </a> <div class="spotify-hover"> <a href="spotify.html"> <img src="img/spotify-thumbnail-hover.png" alt="two colourful iphone with spotify interfaces on a purple square" class="spotify-img-hover"> </a> </div> <div class="spotify-project-title"> <a href="spotify.html" class="spotify-project-title-number"> 01 /</a> <a href="spotify.html" class="spotify-project-title-link"> SPOTIFY</a> <a href="spotify.html" class="spotify-project-title-link"> CONCERT</a> <a href="spotify.html" class="spotify-project-title-link"> STREAMING</a> </div> </div>

Rendered Element