Other Refereed Publications

Conference Proceedings

  1. Kanygin, M., Eshaghi, F., Montañez Muñoz, S., Schouten, D., Williams-Jones, G., Bahreyni, B.  (2025) A linear capacitive gravimeter with pseudo-differential electrodes capable of measuring Earth tides, IEEE MEMS 2025, Submitted.
  2. Chang, O., Stead, D., Elmo, D., Onsel, E., Williams-Jones, G. (2024) Application of mixed and virtual reality in deep mining. ACG Annual Scientific Meeting 2024.
  3. Connolly, J.P.; Sepúlveda, S.A., Williams-Jones, G. (2024) Multi-scale slope stability investigations in the Mount Meager Volcanic Complex, BC. 77th CGS GeoMontreal 2024.
  4. Coughlan, B., Sampaleanu, C., Williams-Jones, G., Stead, D. (2023) Rockfall instability on high granitic domes: The Stawamus Chief, B.C., Canada. Proceedings of the 15th ISRM Congress 2023 & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium, Schubert & Kluckner (eds).
  5. Keramati, M., Tayebi, M.A., Zohrevand, Z., Glasser, U., Anzieta, J.C., Williams-Jones, G. (2023) Cubism: Co-balanced mixup for unsupervised volcano-seismic knowledge transfer, In: Amini, MR., Canu, S., Fischer, A., Guns, T., Kralj Novak, P., Tsoumakas, G. (eds) Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. ECML PKDD 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13717, 581–597, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-26419-1_35
  6. Muhammad, M., Barendregt, R.W., Williams-Jones, G. (2021) Structural geology constraints and its influence on geothermal systems, Mt. Meager, BC. In: Proceedings of the Canadian Geothermal Students' Day, Geothermal Canada, P2111, 1-15.
  7. Roberti, G., Ward, B., van Wyk de Vries, B., Le Corvec, N., Venugopal, S., Williams-Jones, G., Clague, J.J., Friele, P., Falorni, G., Baldeon, G., Perotti, L., Giardino, M., Menounos, B. (2020) Could glacial retreat-related landslides trigger volcanic eruptions? Insights from Mount Meager, British Columbia. In: Vilímek V., Wang F., Strom A., Sassa K., Bobrowsky P.T., Takara K. (eds) Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk. WLF 2020. ICL Contribution to Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction. Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-60319-9_15
  8. Fraser, T.A., Grasby, S.E., Witter, J.B., Colpron, M., Relf, C. (2018) Geothermal studies in Yukon – collaborative efforts to understand ground temperature in the Canadian North. Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council, 42.
  9. Roberti, G., Ward, B., van Wyk de Vries, B., Falorni, G., Menounos, B., Friele, P., Williams-Jones, G., Clague, J.J., Perotti, G., Giardino, M., Baldeon, G., Freschi, S. (2018) Landslides and glacier retreat at Mt. Meager volcano: Hazard and risk challenges. In: Proceedings of the 7th Canadian Geohazards Conference: Engineering Resiliency in a Changing Climate.
  10. Siler, D.L., Faulds, J.E., Glen, J.M.G., Hinz, N.H., Witter, J.B., the Fallon FORGE Team (2018) New data yield new geologic insights at the Fallon FORGE site, Carson Sink Region, Nevada. Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council, 42.
  11. Witter, J.B., Melosh, G. (2018) The value and limitations of 3D Models for geothermal exploration Proceedings, 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 12-14, 2018 SGP-TR-213
  12. Witter, J.B., Glen, J.M.G., Siler, D.L., Fournier, D. (2018) 2D and 3D Potential Field Mapping and Modelling at the Fallon FORGE site, Nevada, USA. Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council, 42.
  13. Witter, J.B., Miller, C.A., Friend, M., Colpron, M. (2018) Curie point depths and heat production in Yukon, Canada Proceedings, 43rd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 12-14, 2018 SGP-TR-213.
  14. Schermerhorn, W.D., Ritzinger, B., Anderson, M., Witter, J.B., Glen, J., Forson, C., Stelling, P., Fournier, D. (2017) Geothermal exploration of Mount Baker hot springs through ground-based magnetic and gravity surveys. Proceedings, 42nd Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, SGP-TR-212
  15. Singer, B., Andersen, N., Le Mével, H., Feigl, K., DeMets, C., Tikoff, B., Thurber, C., Jicha, B., Wespestad, C., Cardona, C., Córdova, L., Amigo, A., Unsworth, M., Cordell, D., Williams-Jones, G., Miller, C.A., Fierstein, J., Hildreth, W., Sruoga, P., Costa, F., Peterson, D., Keranen, K. (2015) The large, restless, rhyolitic magma system at Laguna del Maule, southern Andes: Its dynamics and hazards. In: Proceedings of the XIV Congreso Geologico Chileo.
  16. Vigouroux, N.Williams-Jones, G., Hickson, C. (2013) Development of the MultiGAS for determining fumarole gas chemistry in geothermal systems. Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council 37, 1-14.

Books & Book Chapters

  1. Rymer H., Martinez M., Brenes J., Williams-Jones, G., Borgia A. (2019) Geophysical and Geochemical Precursors to Changes in Activity at Poás Volcano. In Tassi, F., Vaselli, O., Mora-Amador, R. (Eds.) Poás volcano (Costa Rica): The pulsing heart of Central America Volcanic Zone, Springer International, p. 203-211, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-02186-0_8
  2. Williams-Jones, G., Rymer, H. (2015). Hazards of Volcanic Gases. In H. Sigurdsson, B. Houghton, H. Rymer, J. Stix, S. McNutt (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes. 2nd Ed. Academic Press, 985-992, doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-385938-9.00057-2
  3. Nadeau, P.A.Williams-Jones, G. (2008) Beyond COSPEC - Recent advances in SO2 monitoring technology. In: Williams-Jones, G., Stix, J., Hickson, C. (Eds.), The COSPEC Cookbook: Making SO2 Measurements at Active Volcanoes. IAVCEI Methods in Volcanology, 1, 219-233.
  4. Stix, J., Williams-Jones, G., Hickson, C. (2008) Applying the COSPEC at Active Volcanoes. In: Williams-Jones, G., Stix, J., Hickson, C. (Eds.), The COSPEC Cookbook: Making SO2 Measurements at Active Volcanoes. IAVCEI Methods in Volcanology, 1, 121-167.
  5. Williams-Jones, G., Stix, J., Nadeau, P.A. (2008) Using the COSPEC in the Field. In: Williams-Jones, G., Stix, J., Hickson, C. (Eds.), The COSPEC Cookbook: Making SO2 Measurements at Active Volcanoes. IAVCEI Methods in Volcanology, 1, 63-119.
  6. Williams-Jones, G., Rymer, H. (2000) Hazards of Volcanic Gases. In H. Sigurdsson, B. Houghton, H. Rymer, J. Stix, S. McNutt (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, Academic Press, 997-1004.

Codes & Datasets

  1. Montañez Muñoz, S., Williams-Jones, G., Sepúlveda, S.A., Connelly, J.P.  (2024) Morphometric analysis of Ape Cave (WA, USA): Comprehensive Supplementary Material. Python code & dataset, Version 1.0,, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.14189357
  2. Aufrère, S.M., Anzieta, J., Williams-Jones, G. (2024) Greyscale-to-Fo converter for olivine diffusion chronometry. Python code, Version 1.0,, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10807303
  3. Aufrère, S.M.,Williams-Jones, G. (2024) Glass, olivine, spinel, clinopyroxene and plagioclase analyses from the Lillooet Glacier basalts, Mount Meager Volcanic Complex (British Columbia, Canada). Dataset, Version 1.0, Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA), doi: 10.60520/IEDA/113148

Popular Science

  1. Stenner, C., Williams-Jones, G. (2023) Fire and Ice: The Mount Meager Volcano Project. In Parrott, L. Robinson, Z., Hik, D. (Eds), State of the Mountains Report, 6, 23-27, Alpine Club of Canada, Canmore, AB.
  2. Ward, B., Williams-Jones, G., Geertsema, M. (2020) Moving Mountains: Landslides and Volcanoes in a Warming Cryosphere. In Parrott, L. Robinson, Z., Hik, D. (Eds), State of the Mountains Report, 3, 4-11, Alpine Club of Canada, Canmore, AB.
  3. Delmelle, P., Baxter, P., Beaulieu, A., Burton, M., Francis, P., Garcia-Alvarez, J., Horrocks, L., Navarro, M., Oppenheimer, P., Rothery, D., Rymer, H., St. Amand, K., Stix, J., Strauch, W., Williams-Jones, G. (1999) Origin, effects of Masaya volcano's continued unrest probed in Nicaragua Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 80, 575,579,581, doi: 10.1029/EO080i048p00575

Reports & Maps

  1. Pan, Y. Y., Williams-Jones, G., Van der Flier-Keller, E. (2023). Effective communication of natural hazards in the era of information explosion. Centre for Natural Hazards Research, Department of Earth Sciences, Simon Fraser University, doi: 10.48410/d81r-yk51
  2. Kelman, M., Williams-Jones, G., Warwick, R. (2022) Ch. 1.4 Volcanoes, In: Safaie, S., Johnstone, S., Hastings, N.L., (eds) Resilient Pathways Report: Co-creating new Knowledge for Understanding Risk and Resilience in BC, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8910, 90-101, doi: 10.4095/330529
  3. Harris, M., Russell, J.K.,Muhammad, M.Williams-Jones, G. (2022) Mount Meager Volcanic Complex, Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, British Columbia: expanded bedrock map including Cracked Mountain, north Lillooet Ridge, and west Mount MeagerGeological Survey of Canada Open File 8881, 1 sheet, doi: 10.4095/329886.
  4. Grasby, S.E., Ansari, S.M., Calahorrano-Di Patre, A., Chen, Z., Craven, J.A., Dettmer, J., Gilbert, H., Hanneson, C., Harris, M., Liu, J., Muhammad, M., Russell, K., Salvage, R.O. Savard, G. Tschirhart, V., Unsworth, M.J., Vigouroux, N. & Williams-Jones, G. (2021) Geothermal resource potential of the Garibaldi volcanic belt, southwestern British Columbia (part of NTS 092J). in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2018 - Energy and Water, Geoscience BC, Report 2020-02, 103–108.
  5. Warwick, R.Williams-Jones, G.Witter, J., & Kelman, M.C. (2019) Comprehensive Volcanic-Hazard Map for Mount Meager Volcano, Southwestern British Columbia (Part of NTS 092J), in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2018 - Energy and Water, Geoscience BC, Report 2019-2, 85-94.
  6. Witter, J.B., Miller, C.A. (2017) Curie point depth mapping in Yukon. Yukon Geological Survey Open File 2017-3, 37 p.
  7. van Hinsberg, V., Palmer, S., King, J., Williams-Jones, A.E., Vigouroux, N.Mauri,G.Williams-Jones, G., Susanto, A. and Nasution, A. (2009) Ijen (Indonesia): Visual, geochemical, and geophysical observations during mid-2008, Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, 34:02, Report.
  8. Hickson, C.J., Kelman, M.C., Chow, W., Shimamura, K., Servranckx, R., Bensimon, D., Cassidy, J.F., Trudel, S., Williams-Jones, G. (2009) Nazko region volcanic hazard map, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5978, 1 sheet, doi: 10.4095/247379
  9. Mauri,G.Williams-Jones, G.Williams-Jones, A.E. & Mulyadi, D. (2007) Ijen (Indonesia): Acidic crater lake and active solfatara investigations. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, 32:02, Report.
  10. Nadeau, P.A.Williams-Jones, G.Simpson, K., Strauch, W., Navarro, M. (2006) Masaya (Nicaragua): Intermittent ash eruptions November 2003-March 2005; continuing incandescence. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, 31:04, Report.
  11. Williams-Jones, G., Rothery, D., Rymer, H., Delmelle, P., Oppenheimer, C., Duffell, H., Garcia Alavarez, J., Strauch, W. (2000) Masaya (Nicaragua): Decreasing levels of degassing and stabilization of gravity decreases. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, 25:09, Report.
  12. Delmelle, P., Stix, J., Williams-Jones, G., Rothery, D., Rymer, H., Horrocks, L., Burton, M., Baxter, P., Alavarez, J.G., Navarro, M. & Strauch, W. (1999) Masaya (Nicaragua): Continued degassing and marked gravity decreases; previously unreported small explosions. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, 24:04, Report.
  13. Williams-Jones, G., Rothery, D., Rymer, H., Francis, P., Boardman, L., Beaulieu, A., Harvey, D., Delmelle, P., St-Amand, K., Stix, J., Burton, M., Oppenheimer, C., Watson, M., Gaonac'h, H., Navarro M., Strauch, W., & van Wyk de Vries, B. (1998) Masaya (Nicaragua): Integrated scientific studies of the caldera area. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, 23:09, Report.
  14. Rymer, H., Davies, M., Stix, J., Knez, D., Williams-Jones, G., Beaulieu, A., Stevens, N., Navarro, M. & Perez, P. (1997) Masaya (Nicaragua): Strombolian explosion; incandescent vent in Santiago crater; seismicity increases. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, 22:03, Report.
  15. Rymer, H., Davies, M., Stix, J., Knez, D., Williams-Jones, G., Beaulieu, A., Stevens, N., Navarro, M. & Perez, P. (1996) Masaya (Nicaragua): Incandescent vent in Santiago crater emitting large amounts of gas. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network, 21:04, Report.