The majority of our research is carried out in the field, incorporating gravity, deformation, self-potential, magnetics, gas flux and composition, and satellite remote sensing techniques. Our field equipment includes:

Geochemical instruments
- 2 FLYSPEC ultraviolet spectrometers for measurement of SO2 gas flux.
- 1 Microtops II Sun photometer to measure the conversion of SO2 gas into sulphate aerosols.
- 1 MultiGAS sensor, for simultaneous measurement of H2O/CO2/SO2/CO/H2S concentrations
- 1 Vaisala CO2 sensor and 1 SoilGAS CO2/H2S flux system to measure diffuse degassing through the soil.

Geophysical instruments
- 1 LaCoste and Romberg gravity meter (G-127) with electrostatic feedback for continuous measurement of gravity change.
- 1 Self-potential passive electrical system to map hydrological and hydrothermal systems.
- 1 Fluxgate magnetometer to measure the magnetic field in volcanic settings - can be drone-mounted.
- 2 System 530 Leica dual-frequency differential GPS receivers and software.

Geoimaging instruments - available in Department
- 1 Riegl 4000 LiDAR system for high resolution terrestrial imaging
- 1 FLIR SC7650 Infrared video camera
- 1 SPECIM SWIR Hyperspectral imaging system