Sarah Aufrere

Ph.D. Candidate
"Magma residence time of volcanoes in the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt"

Areas of interest

Volcanology & Geochemistry


  • B.Sc., Grenoble Alpes, 2019
  • M.Sc., Bristol, 2020


Sarah is studying several dormant and active volcanoes, forming the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt (GVB) in BC. At the time, the dynamics of magma storage and replenishment beneath these volcanoes have not been constrained. However, understanding their past behaviour to forecast their potential future one requires tighter bounds on the timescales of magmatic processes that precede eruptions and on pre-eruptive magma compositions that feed them. As melt inclusions are tiny droplets of magma that conserve deep pre-eruptive information and as chemical gradients contained in zoned crystals can be treated as time capsules, petrological and chemical investigation (e.g. diffusion chronometry) of solid products on the GVB volcanoes (Mt Meager, ….) will therefore constitute the core of this project.

Recent Publications

  1. Aufrère, S.Williams-Jones, G., Moune, S., Morgan, D., Vigouroux, N. Russell, J.K. (2024) Olivine time-capsules constrain the pre-eruptive history of Holocene basalts, Mount Meager Volcanic Complex, British Columbia, Canada. Journal of Petrology, Accepted.
  2. Camejo-Harry, M., Melekhova, E., Aufrère, S., McCarthy, A., Blundy, J. (2024) Early arc crust formation preserved in the Grenadines archipelago, southern LesserAntilles arc. Royal Society Open Science, 11, 231914, doi: 10.1098/rsos.231914