
Walking the Path Together

May 05, 2023

At SFU Vancouver, we support the university’s priority of advancing reconciliation in as many ways as possible.

One way to do that is to participate in major initiatives that honour Indigenous peoples and their history. Three examples of that are what’s known informally as Orange Shirt Day (September 30) when we affirm that Every Child Matters; Red Dress Day on May 5, when we pause to honour and not forget the murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls; and the Moose Hide Campaign Day on May 11 dedicated to engaging men and boys in ending violence towards women. Here at SFU Vancouver, we set up information booths, placed red dresses around the campus, wore our orange shirts, and invited students, faculty and staff to join us on the healing journey we’re on together.

Here at SFU Vancouver we understand that advancing reconciliation includes both acknowledging past injustices and generating future opportunities for Indigenous peoples. This includes small steps such as volunteering at the annual Honouring Feast (Indigenous Student Convocation), bringing in Indigenous speakers, and supporting the opening of the new Indigenous Student Centre here in Harbour Centre (stay tuned for more information). Our aim here at SFU Vancouver is to walk the path of reconciliation, while learning, understanding, and growing along the way.
