
Navigating the MBA Journey at SFU’s Vancouver Campus: Insights from Ven Virah

January 25, 2024

Please meet Ven Virah, an award-winning bilingual speaker and a global expert in workforce solutions. We had the opportunity to sit down with Ven as he shares his experience as a second year Management of Technology (MOT) student at SFU Beedie School of Business, located at SFU’s Vancouver campus.

Choosing SFU Vancouver
Three years ago, Ven moved to Vancouver, seeking an MBA to improve his career and expand his network. What drew him to the graduate program at SFU Beedie School of Business? It was the downtown locale, the renowned reputation, and the in-person format. Ven values face-to-face interaction and recognizes its ability to build trust and foster meaningful connections. "One of the most important things I’ve learned and what really helped me grow my career was to build trust with people, and the best way to do that is in-person," Ven emphasizes.

The Unique SFU Vancouver Experience
During our chat, Ven shared insights into what aspects of his graduate study experience are unique at SFU's Vancouver campus. Ven commented, “The Segal Building looks state-of-the-art”, highlighting its prestigious feel in the heart of downtown Vancouver. The exceptional professors with both research and practical experience made his experience even better. He says, “You can tell the professors' genuine passion for teaching—they truly want their students to succeed. A lot of the information that they bring to the classroom is not just theoretical, but it's also very much in practice and based on their experience.”

Building Community and Connections
While learning more about Ven, we discovered that he actively engages with the SFU community. Ven is passionate about community building, and as the class representative, he takes the lead in organizing events that bring MBA students together to engage with the broader SFU community. Notably, he led his team at the 2023 SFU Vancouver Terry Fox Run and contributed as a speaker at the 2023 TEDxSFU event.

Advice for Prospective Students
As we neared the end of our chat, we asked Ven for any advice he might have for prospective students considering taking the MBA program at SFU’s Vancouver Campus. Ven advises prospective students to thoroughly research the program, and consider aspects like location, commute, and program offerings. He emphasizes the value of reaching out to current students through LinkedIn to gain insights and build connections before making a decision.

Lastly, Ven shared a simple yet powerful message: "Just do it. It's a great program with incredible faculty, wonderful opportunities, and a supportive community.”
