How to join

  1. Pick your team: Form a team with your colleagues, or register individually
  2. Nominate a team leader: Choose a team leader that will gather and report your team's active minutes each week.
  3. Choose a name: Teams will need to choose a team name to represent themselves.
  4. Register online: Team leaders need to register their team using this online form.
  5. Report your minutes: Team leaders must submit their team's minutes each week by Friday, using this form. All data will be updated on the website on following Monday. If you missed the reporting period deadline (Friday), you can still submit your minutes at a later date, but your minutes will be included in the next reporting period.

    First reporting period:
    Report on Friday, Oct. 22 for the period of Oct. 15-21 - Website update on Oct. 25.

    Second reporting period:
    Report on Friday, Oct. 29 for the period of Oct. 22-28 - Website update on Nov. 1.

    Third reporting period:
    Report on Friday, Nov. 5 for the period of Oct. 29-Nov. 4 - Website update on Nov. 8.

    Final reporting period:
    Report on Friday, Nov. 12 for the period of Nov. 5-11 - Website update on Nov. 15.


  1. Fitness challenge runs from October 15 to November 12, 2021.
  2. Within this time period, you can join at any point, but all minutes must be submitted by November 12, 2021 @ 11:59 PM. We cannot back track the exercise minutes before you register on the registration form. The minutes will count from the day you register between October 15 to November 12, 2021.
  3. Exercise minutes definition: any form of physical activity that is done in order to become stronger and healthier, including walking, running, biking, yoga, zumba, and more! 
  4. You may use any form of time tracker to record your minutes. (i.e., stopwatch, phone, apps).
  5. Exercise minutes are reported by the honor system.  Be fair to others and yourself by only entering minutes exercised on our online form
  6. It is encouraged that participants sign up by department. If a department does not participate but an individual member wants to take part, they can sign up individually or create a group with other SFU staff. 
  7. Total minutes reported by each team will be updated on this homepage every Monday.


The 2021 Stay Active Challenge will run from October 15 to November 12, 2021 in the lead up to Wellness Day on November 16, 2021.

If you have any questions about this challenge or run into any technical issues, please email Rachel Wong at