Other Entrance Scholarships

Schulich Leader Scholarships


Value: $100,000 – $120,000 (4 annual payments)
Number: 1 x $100,000 and 1 x $120,000

Citizenship: Canadian
Term: Fall (September)
Application: Required

These prestigious entrance scholarships are awarded to high school applicants enrolling in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) undergraduate program at participating universities in Canada and Israel. Recognizing the increasing importance and impact that STEM disciplines will have on the prosperity of future generations, businessman and philanthropist Seymour Schulich established this $100 million scholarship fund in 2012 to encourage our best and brightest applicants to be the next pioneers of global scientific research and innovation. This program awards 100 scholarships annually, valued at more than $5 million. Schulich Leaders can devote their full time and attention to their studies, as all of their financial needs are covered over the course of their degree. As a result, many of our highest potential applicants are winning these scholarships and will make great contributions to society.

Uggla Family Scholarship


Value: Varies
Number: 10 per year

Citizenship: Canadian
Term: Fall (September)
Application: Required

Ten scholarships are awarded each year to students who face significant financial barriers to participation in post-secondary education. This may include students who identify as Indigenous, Black, or a person of colour, students living with disabilities, LGBTQIA2S+ students, and students of all gender identities. The intent of the Uggla Family Scholarship is to promote equity and remove historical and existing discrimination, including barriers to full participation in social, cultural, economic and political life.

Lloyd Carr-Harris Scholarship 


Value: $20,000 (8 payments of $2,500)
Number: 1

Canadian, Permanent Resident or International
Term: Fall (September)
Application: Not required. Consideration is automatic.

The Lloyd Carr-Harris Entrance Scholarship is offered to an entering high school applicant of the highest academic standing as a direct admit to the Beedie School of Business.

International Excellence Entrance Scholarship


Value: $10,000 
Number: Varies

Term: Fall (September)
Application: Not required. Consideration is automatic.

Offered to incoming international high school applicants who are coming from specific geographic regions with excellent academic standing and are entering programs that align to support specific strategic enrollment plans, as determined by the University annually