Contact us

Our office hours are 9 am to 4 pm,
Monday to Friday

Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL)
1250 Maggie Benston Centre
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby BC V5A 1S6
Phone: 778.782.3112
Secure Fax: 778.782.4384

Visit our Accessibility Information Page to find detailed information about our office and its accessibility considerations.

Rights and Responsibilities

Every party involved in providing accommodations and services through the CAL has a specific set of rights and responsibilities.


Students with disabilities have the right to:

  • Access courses, programs, services, activities and facilities offered by SFU, for which they are otherwise qualified.
  • Request reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and service.
  • Be treated with dignity and respect.

Students with disabilities have the responsibility to:

  • Meet qualifications and maintain essential institutional standards for all SFU courses, programs, services and activities in which they participate.
  • Initiate timely requests for accommodations and services with the CAL.
  • Meet with a Disability Access Advisor prior to, or at the start of, each academic semester (September, January and May sessions) to arrange accommodations and services.
  • Obtain and provide their Disability Access Advisor with relevant and professional documentation, in accordance with the CAL Documentation Checklist.
  • Mitigate the extent of the impairment associated with their disability by using recommended assistive devices such as prescribed hearing aids, FM systems, eyeglasses, etc.
  • Meet with individual instructors if necessary to discuss specific needs in relation to a course.
  • Submit accommodated test requests using the CAL's online test and exam booking system at least one week before a scheduled test (for quizzes and midterm exams), and at least two weeks before the start of the final exam period (for final exams).
  • Notify the CAL if courses are dropped or added, if any complications arise with accommodations, or if accommodations are no longer required or need to be changed.
  • Monitor and obtain any necessary assistance to promote personal academic success while enrolled at SFU, including contacting a CAL Disability Access Advisor or other university service providers, such as Departmental Academic Advisors, if having difficulties with course requirements, academic planning, etc.
  • Arrange accommodations as early as possible in order to ensure adequate lead time is available to coordinate the necessary supports and services.
  • Follow university procedures for obtaining reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or auxiliary aids and services.