Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index
SAS Companion for UNIX Environments

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SAS/AF applications, previewing output
SAS catalogs
SAS code, submitting from buffer
SAS command
invoking SAS in batch mode
specifying system options
starting SAS sessions
SAS/CONNECT script files
SAS data files
SAS data libraries
SEE: data libraries
SAS data set options
summary of
SAS data sets
SEE: data sets
SAS data views
SAS files
backwards compatibility
BMDP data files
data files, accessing
data libraries, disk-format
data libraries, sequential-format
filename extensions
for input
for output
interface data views
librefs, assigned by SAS
librefs, assigning to several directories
librefs, assigning with LIBNAME statement
librefs, environment variables as
member types
multiple engines for a library
OSIRIS data files
pathname specification
search path for executable files
SPSS data files
types of
SAS/GIS software, Census Tract maps
SAS/GRAPH software
device driver for output
map data sets
SAS jobs
completion status of
SAS log
batch mode destination
controlling contents of
destination for copies
messages for
output destination
performance statistics in "FULLSTIMER"
performance statistics in "STIMER"
system option settings in
SAS output
SEE: output
SAS procedures
SEE: procedures
SAS resources, summary of
SAS Session Manager
SEE: session manager
SAS sessions
batch mode
completion status of jobs
executing UNIX commands from "Executing Operating System Commands from Your SAS Session"
executing UNIX commands from "X"
interactive line mode
interrupting "Interrupting or Terminating Your SAS Session"
interrupting "Using the SAS Session Manager (motifxsassm)"
maximum memory for
remote host
sending e-mail from "DLGSMAIL"
sending e-mail from "Sending Electronic Mail from Within the SAS System (EMAIL)"
sending e-mail from "Sending Mail from within Your SAS Session"
terminating "DLGENDR"
terminating "Interrupting or Terminating Your SAS Session"
terminating "Using SAS in Interactive Line Mode"
terminating "Using SAS with the Windowing Environment"
terminating "Using the SAS Session Manager (motifxsassm)"
windowing environment
SAS source code, default location in batch mode
SAS statements
SEE: statements
SAS system options
SEE: system options
SAS System, About SAS dialog box
SAS window session ID
SAS.keyboardTranslations resource
SAS.keysWindowLabels resource
SASAUTOS system option
SASHELP data library
SASHELP system option
saspsort sorting procedure
sasroot directory
SASSCRIPT system option
SASUSER data library
SASUSER system option
SASV8.CFG file
SASV8_OPTIONS environment variable
Save As dialog box
%SCAN macro function
SCL code, for e-mail
screen captures
script files, SAS/CONNECT
scroll bars
search and replace
search path, for SAS executable files
selecting text
-selectionTimeout, X command line option
Send Mail dialog box
SEQENGINE= system option
sequential-format data libraries
session gravity
session manager
automatic startup "Miscellaneous Resources"
automatic startup "Using X Resources to Customize the Motif Interface"
interrupting SAS sessions
terminating SAS sessions "Interrupting or Terminating Your SAS Session"
terminating SAS sessions "Using the SAS Session Manager (motifxsassm)"
session workspace, customizing
SET system option
shell scripts
shells, starting
SMP machines, sorting data sets on
SOCKET access method
sort library
SORT procedure, memory for
sort utility, SAS System
SEE: host sort utility
cutoff for "SORTCUT"
cutoff for "SORTCUTP"
SORTANOM system option
SORTCUT system option
SORTCUTP system option
SORTDEV system option
sorting data sets, on SMP machines
SORTLIB system option
SORTNAME system option
SORTPARM system option
SORTPGM system option
SORTSIZE system option
source code, default location in batch mode
special files
SPSS engine
SPSS files, converting to SAS data sets
standard error
standard input
standard output
starting SAS sessions
startup logo
macro statements
submitting from buffer
STDIO system option
STIMEFMT system option
STIMER system option
STORE command
stored program files
submitting code or statements from buffer
suspending SAS sessions
-synchronous, X command line option
SYSCC automatic macro variable
SYSDEVIC automatic macro variable
SYSENV automatic macro variable
%SYSEXEC macro statement
SYSGET function
%SYSGET macro function
SYSIN system option
SYSJOBID automatic macro variable
SYSLEAVE system option
SYSMAXLONG automatic macro variable
SYSPRINT system option
SYSRC automatic macro variable
SYSSCP automatic macro variable
SYSSCPL automatic macro variable
SYSTASK statement
system administrator tools
installing manual pages
location of
system files, converting
system options
batch default values
creating PostScript output
dictionary of
in configuration files
listing current values
macro facility
overriding defaults
pathnames, appending
pathnames, inserting
procedure output, controlling contents of
routing output with
SAS log, controlling contents of
set in multiple places
set in one place
summary of
writing settings to SAS log
writing settings to the terminal
System Options window

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