Book Contents
Master Index
Master Index
SAS Macro Language: Reference

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SAS catalogs, as autocall libraries
SAS code
conditionally generating
generating with macros
SAS/CONNECT interfaces
SAS data sets
damaged, return code for
determining number of variables observations, example
SAS process
login of current process
userid of current process
SAS process name, writing to log
SAS system options
in macro facility
required, for autocall macros
tracking problems with
turning off, for efficiency
SASAUTOS= system option
host-specific dependencies
syntax and description
SASMSTORE= system option
SASSTARTID automatic macro variable
%SCAN function
compared with %QSCAN function
syntax and description
interfaces with
referencing macro variables in submit blocks
resolving macro references
sharing macros between programs
CALL SYMPUT routine and
scope of macro variables
variables created with SYMPUT routine
semantic errors
SERROR system option
purpose and use
session compiled macros
SQL procedure
controlling job execution
interfaces with
INTO clause
STARTSAS statement
id generated from
process name generated from
statement processing
with macro activity
without macro activity
STMT option, %MACRO statement
STORE option, %MACRO statement
purpose and use
stored compiled macro facility
efficiency and
stored compiled macros
displaying information about
%STR function
% signs with
compared with other quoting function
maintaining leading blanks, example
protecting blank to compile as text, example
quoting of value containing macro reference, example
syntax and description
%SUBSTR function
suffixes, for macro variable references
%SUPERQ function
compared with other quoting functions "%SUPERQ"
compared with other quoting functions "%SUPERQ"
entering macro keywords
preventing warning messages
symbol tables
writing contents to SAS log
SYMBOLGEN system option
syntax and description
tracing resolution of macro variable references, example
SYMGET function
syntax and description
SYMGETN function
formatting rules for assigning character values
formatting rules for assigning numeric values
problem with timing of referencing
scope of variables
syntax and description
SYMPUT routine
formatting rules for assigning character values
formatting rules for assigning numeric values
problems with timing of referencing
scope of variables
syntax and description
SYMPUTN routine
syntax and description
syntax errors
SYSBUFFR automatic macro variable
purpose and use
%SYSCALL statement
with RANUNI call routine, example
SYSCC automatic macro variable
SYSCHARWIDTH automatic macro variable
SYSCMD automatic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSDATE automatic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSDATE9 automatic macro variable
formatting a value
SYSDAY automatic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSDEVIC automatic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSDMG automatic macro variable
SYSDSN automataic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSENV automatic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSERR automatic macro variable
purpose and use
return codes
%SYSEVALF function
BOOLEAN conversion type value
CEIL conversion type value
floating-point evaluation, example
FLOOR conversion type value
INTEGER conversion type value
%SYSEXEC statement
syntax and description
SYSFILRC automatic macro variable
purpose and use
%SYSFUNC function
compared with %NRBQUOTE functions
confirming existence of SAS data set, example
determining number of variables observations in a data set, example
formatting current date, example
formatting value produced by %SYSFUNC, example
portable SAS functions with
SAS functions not available for use, table
translating characters, example
%SYSFUNC macro function
%SYSGET function
syntax and description
SYSINDEX automatic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSINFO automatic maacro variable
purpose and use
SYSJOBID automatic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSLCKRC automatic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSLIBRC automatic macro variable
purpose and use
%SYSLPUT macro statement
SYSMENV automatic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSMSG automatic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSPARM automatic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSPARM= system option
syntax and description
SYSPBUFF automatic macaro variable
purpose and use
SYSPROCESSID automatic macro variable
SYSPROCESSNAME automatic macro variable
%SYSPROD function
commonly-used codes
syntax and description
%SYSRC autocall macro
mnemonics for warning and error conditions, table
syntax and description
fileref messages, table
library assign/deassign messages, table
library/member/entry messages, table
miscellaneous operations messages, table
sas file open and update messages, table
SYSRC automatic macro variable
purpose and use
%SYSRPUT statement
syntax and description
SYSSCP and SYSSCPL automatic macro variables
deleting temporary file, example
values, table
SYSSITE automatic macro variabale
purpose and use
SYSSTARTID automatic macro variable
SYSSTARTNAME automatic macro variable
SYSTIME automatic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSUSERID automatic macro variable
SYSVER automatic macro variable
purpose and use
SYSVLONG automatic macro variable
purpose and use

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